I’m betting there’s gonna be a parade

Yes, it’s finally arrived! I know you’ve been anticipating this holiday just as much as I have, and I could barely sleep last night. So get your flashlights, unlock that one door in the basement (you know the one,) go check out that particular narrow alley on the bad side of town, and have a happy Find Something Hidden In The Shadows Day!

To get in the spirit of things, I present to you read more

Up in the air

Ha! Another title pun! This one not only deals with aerial subjects in the photos, but refers to further developments on the site that haven’t yet come to fruition. Such depths to the humor!

[Ahem] So, I did manage to get out for a shooting session recently, though mostly what it did was emphasize how little there is to shoot right now. This was a student outing again, and we mostly read more