Religion has all the answers

If you’re interested in accuracy, however, that’s a whole different story…

Scenes From A MultiverseClick for the complete comic.

Scenes From A Multiverse should be a regular stop in your browsing, if it isn’t already. Jonathan Rosenberg wields the tongue-in-cheek incisiveness that makes webcomics much better than most syndicated fare. On top of that, I happen to like his artistic style, which produces very distinct, expressive characters without clutter or muddiness, and always has an appropriate background – a lot of comic artists out there never accomplish this. He also has a lot of fun with pop culture references, though I suspect I miss more than a few of these because I’m largely out of that loop.

He has a book, of course, and you know christmas is coming up, as well as Festivus, the Feast of Saturnalia, and FGOAF (Fuck Going Outside And Freezing.) If you are in one of those situations where you’re obligated to get something for the pious religiocrat that you know, you can always send along a copy and see if they get the message. Alternately, it is a great way to show you appreciation of your favorite wildlife photography and critical thinking blogger. You can order it online, which means you’ll miss out on the camaraderie of holiday shoppers, I’m sorry to say, but you can usually duplicate this good cheer by having someone slam your fingers in a door a few times. Joy, schmoy, tears are tears…