Some of us are trying to sleep

The shed out on the back forty of Walkabout Estates has been decorated with various beachy-themed items, which the green treefrogs approve of – they’re all on the shaded side of the shed, forming a flat vertical surface close to the wall that provides the ideal hidey-hole for treefrogs. I can often find the frogs tucked well in behind them, snoozing during the day.

But in putting the lawnmower away today, apparently I was shaking the door a little too much.

green treefrog Dryophytes cinereus peeking out from behind crab decoration
This is also a good opportunity to say that I’ve been using the wrong scientific name for them for a while; it’s now Dryophytes cinereus, and apparently has been that way since 2016, though it usually takes a little while, at least, for the changes to make their way through the literature. And that’s if I’m even reading the literature – since I’m not subscribed to any biological journals, what it usually takes is doing a specific search to see if those silly biologists have decided to change the name yet again. I hate having to do a search every time, but it’s starting to look prudent, at least. Though I doubt anyone is coming here expecting perfect scientific accuracy…

green treefrog Dryophytes cinereus peeking from behind crab decoration
It also appears that the common name has been revised as well, being American green treefrog. But at least it doesn’t have ‘eastern’ in its name

The brighter side of this is that I won’t be overloading the blog with photos of Hyla cinerea, ever again. It’s one way to get out of a rut…