
I realize we’re in a culture that has more causes, charities, campaigns, and fundraisers for various ills than we can ever tabulate, and that this one is likely to pass under the radar, but seeing it in person is simply devastating. I’m talking, naturally (as always,) about Help Arthropod Color-Blindness Day, which is tomorrow (June 30th, in the Northwestern hemisphere at least.) Many people don’t realize how dependent insects are on interpreting the correct colors of their environment, and mean ol’ natural selection is doing its best to eradicate the sufferers. It’s not right that, as in this case, spiders should go hungry, or worse, fall prey to parasitic wasps, more than the average that they already do.

green lynx spider Peucetia viridans starkly obvious on purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea petals
Sure, I know, it’s bugs – why should we worry about them? But think where we’d be without insects? Okay, fine, we can do without bedbugs, and I’m slaughtering dozens of Japanese beetles every day to keep them off of the hydrangeas and Yoshino cherry tree, and fuck those goddamn fire ants. Yet without things like caterpillars, we’d have to do without ubiquitous children’s books.

And I hear you; evolution weeds out the poor fits, balance of nature, and all that. But if you’d met me in person and realized that I’m still alive and might actually have bred, you’d recognize that evolution isn’t the most efficient of functions, thank god. Listen, I know this doesn’t compare to the importance of Alien Abduction Day and National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, but look deep into your heart and ask yourself, Can I watch this spiky little bastard die just because it was Vivid Lime Green/Lavender Pink colorblind?

Well, can you?

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