Papa’s got a brand new tag

Once again, like last year and the year before, we take a brief look at my abuse of standard blogging protocol (I mean, aside from and on top of my perpetual abuse of blogging protocol.) I’m talking about tags here, people. In normal situations… are you going to make me explain this again? All right, so be it… In normal situations, post tags are short descriptors of relevant topics within the post, useful in allowing people to find posts that all feature worthless philosophy, for instance. And I do use them that way. But I also use them as commentary or end notes at times, and it means I wind up with a lot of tags that appear only once in the entire history of the blog (like that’s saying a lot.) And some of them really don’t prepare someone for the content itself, or indeed, even make sense. Here are some examples that I turned up when I downloaded the whole list at the end of the year, in chronological order because why the hell not?

I get that song in my head every damn time – And I have to share

creepy is what creepy does – A fictional conversation about a real event. A friend of mine said he was going to rewrite this for greater accuracy, but I haven’t seen it yet…

Inattentives Anonymous – “It’s been 76 days since I missed something right under my nose.” The hell it has – I’ve barely even been on the wagon

aspiring to be a Hack Laureate – I actually like this one, but you might have taste

Barack who? – A window into my mind, for which I apologize in advance

aren’t dimples adorable? – If you know me, and you should, you know ‘adorable’ isn’t

eggs with aposematic coloration – I’m quite proud of that one; don’t make me explain it

first you get the nectar – Say hello to my little friend

that’s exactly what an imposter would say – This is in the top five of shortest posts so, a really shitty imposter

everybody runs out of toilet paper sometime – Trying to watch where you step won’t do any good

Thou Shalt Have No Other Level Roads Before Me – There’s nothing I can add

not at all – I’ll let you figure out why

I’m quite proud of the sneeze however – Who wouldn’t be?

can’t even – Her name’s not really Sophie. You’ll get it eventually
[On a side note, finding this one was tricky, because it’s hardly a unique phrase, and I had pages of the original search results]

First they came for the nectar… – You can’t unsee it

And then all I’ll need are teeny little cheek swabs – Easier than telling twins apart

Mrs. Robinson you’re trying to consume me – Of course I had to

you slipped a disc photographing a what? – That question really is in my future

chill the fuck out – Seriously

did you change your hair? – Also, “going in the other direction defeats causality.” But I like the pics either way

apparently I don’t know it either – And “intrepid exotic excursions” and “okay not so clean off”

eyeing the bamboo – Always a warning sign

By the way, I’m up to 3,566 tags (more now) for only 1,130 posts, and 2,668 of those have been used just once – a lot of them species names, but still…

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