And there’s the handoff

Oh, look – another insipid sports metaphor. We can’t really escape them, can we? But I suppose I can take solace in the fact that I don’t know what it means or what sport it’s from. I think it’s jai alai…

Anyway, this is a photo from a recent outing with the Tardy Mr Bugg, who’s read more

No hard feelings?

The other day, The Girlfriend and I visited the NC Botanical Garden, mostly to check out the sculptures by local artists that they feature at this time every year. Well, she was checking out the sculptures I had been through a little earlier, solely for read more

Not safe out there tonight

We’d had a light rain but it had stopped, and I was curious to see if anything was stirring in the backyard – the Insouciant Mr Bugg and I had been out earlier and hadn’t seen a lot, but what we did see will be coming in a later post. Anyway, shining the headlamp around, I was concentrating read more

Let’s get this over with

Once again, I undertake this task with the complete and abiding knowledge that no one will give the faintest damn about it, which is of course my way of celebrating it. Yes, there’s another holiday coming up: National Grouch Day falls on October 15th, which is appropriately enough a Monday. This is the day when you buy a cake for the grumpiest read more

Good evening

“Might I interest you in a… nightcap?

Okay, did that text read as vaguely ominous as the photo appears? Maybe it doesn’t actually appear ominous to you. Treefrogs aren’t particularly known for striking terror into the heart of anyone, since even their prey tends to be oblivious to the threat that they might provide.

All that aside, this is just a teaser because a lot read more

Projects, projects

First off, a brief but appropriate celebration.

Woo hoo! Hot damn! Who da man? I da man!

In short, I have just repaired one of my lenses, and it’s working perfectly. The lens in question isn’t one of the old manual ones that I fiddle with off and on, and have repaired many times past, but a complicated modern one: the Canon EF-S 17-85mm 4-5.6 IS USM. Those last bits mean read more

Odd memories, part 19: Citation needed

It’s funny – I knew what I was going to name this post almost as soon as I decided to tackle it this evening.

This… is a Chevrolet Citation.

It was a subcompact car produced in the early 1980s, popular briefly until enough people found out how mediocre they were. There was also a four-door (or five-door, counting the rear hatch) version, but this is what we want read more

A magic era

Just a curious, passing thought: There is only going to be a brief moment in history where, “Like a t-shirt to the nuts,” is a valid and understandable analogy, and we live in that moment. Enjoy it while you can – it’ll be something to pass onto the grandkids.

The analogy, I mean, not the t-shirt. The nuts have presumably already been passed on to them by that time.

Throwup Monday

I felt the need to throw up some photos for today, but had no idea what to display, until I realized that it’s International Look Back and Wonder What Happened Day, and so I dug up a few photos from this date in past years. I’m not sure what it’s going to tell us, but hey, I didn’t make up this holiday!

One year ago

This Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) read more

A little set of drapes to peer from behind

I’m editing the video that will be coming soon, but thought I’d toss this one up in the interim. This past Monday, the effects of Hurricane/Tropical Depression Florence had the greatest impact, and flooded out several portions of the region temporarily, among them every possible route The Girlfriend could take into work, forcing her to stay home – we’d been largely unaffected, read more

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