It’s January, it’s cold, everyone (in the northern hemisphere) is cooped up inside, and to top it all off, we’re back with the tag roundup – death and tags, you can’t escape them. And while you think you know what tags are and what they’re for, here on the ol’ Walkabout blogaroonie, they’re also irreverent and uncouth comments on the content, and since
Tag: meaningless statistics
More exciting behind-the-scenes schtuff!
Think I’m overselling it?
It’s still winter anyway, and I’m not going to be out shooting anything unless we get some snow. I’ve been spending the time tweaking the computer and cleaning up some odds and ends, and among those was correcting some typos in the blog tags. Mind you, I correct typos in the posts themselves too (when I’m aware that they’re there –
Have to keep you informed
Just so you know, a year ago today I had the 2,000th post here on Walkabout, and this – this is the 2,285th.
That means that, should I keep this rate up, it’ll only be 2½ more years to reach the 3,000th post! The time just flies by, doesn’t it?
Regrettably, I have not gone back to redo the theme music despite intentions – I had set it aside after that post for a breather,
Accomplishments and not
Tallying up the posts and uploaded images for the month of September, I find that not only did I set a record for the year-to-date for images posted (127,) but it would only take seven more to beat the total for any year that I’ve been posting: last year was the record-holder with 747, and I am presently at 741… with six images lined up to be included in this
Tally ho!
One of my monthly routines regarding the blog is to keep track of the number of posts and the photos used, partially in case of server failure (which has happened before,) and partially out of curiosity. There is this faint background goal of posting more than I did for the previous year, but I don’t pursue that very tightly as I’ve said before, I’d
Monday color 37+
So, the important stuff first: with this post I surpass all previous records for posting within a year, and we’re only in mid-October! Everything past this point is gravy, and even if I stop posting now, I’ve still got that accomplishment under my belt. It’s a warm fuzzy feeling, let me tell you.
A lot of this is due, naturally, to starting this whole “Monday color”
Picture this
In doing the monthly maintenance for the blog yesterday, which includes some basic recordkeeping, I noticed that I had uploaded 62 photos for the month of October, which ties with the record set in December of last year. Despite being in the winter, December is explained by putting up a collection of images
The hurdle
With this entry I thee wed tie with 2011 for number of posts made in a year, and everything past this will be bonus content. Or something. It’s nonsense, really – I just vowed to try and do more posts, vaguely motivated by those who can apparently do seven a day (not looking in Jerry Coyne’s direction when I say this, no no.) But
Those letters are internet shorthand, not for, “Transgender lifestyles Dominican Republic” as you might expect, but for, “Too long didn’t read.” It’s the battle cry of the short-attention span, the post comment meant to be critical, but instead illustrating the missing depth of the commenter. “Reading is hard,”