Confession time

Three years ago on this very day, I wrote about a curious enigma, a potentially mystical path known as Squirrel Level Road. I’m going to encourage you to go read that post first, because it’s important to the thread. When I wrote it I was working from memory, which I pride myself on.

Or used to. You see, since that time, I’ve had to drive through the area twice, or four times if read more

I have regrets

Yes, even a glamorous bug photographer such as myself has regrets, hard as that may be to imagine. This particular one manages to be forgotten for long stretches of time, but then returns with a stab of pain that can affect the rest of the day. I’m talking, of course, about Squirrel Level Road.

On a stretch of Interstate 85 in rural southern Virginia, overpasses are often marked with the names read more