The eclectic humor/cheesecake website theCHIVE is part of my routine, and it’s where I collect humor and memes to harass my friends acquaintances with. They have a couple of daily galleries, one of which being Daily Afternoon Randomness, and today there was this image featured – I’d give more credit but the source is unavailable. I also converted it to jpeg because I don’t use Google’s proprietary compression algorithms, which I imagine are another method of Google to scarf info from the webbernets. Anyway, check it out:
In case it’s needed, this is a photo of a digital camera display attached to a telescope, obviously shooting the moon, which can be seen out-of-focus in the background. Recognize it, especially the crater on the terminator in the center of the LCD frame? You should, because I posted it only two days ago, but here it is again for easier comparison.
From the sky color, I’d estimate that this was taken perhaps an hour earlier, “local time” (the twilight was almost gone when I took mine,) but it might well have been about the same time, just farther west than I was. You can even see the light touching the floor of Fracastorius crater. And yes, I’m quite certain this is the same day, given when it was posted and the position of first-magnitude Antares in the frame, over to the left (visible to me too when I took mine, but not pursued.)
Just thought you needed to see that. One of these days, I’ll get off my ass, get a proper collimater for my own telescope, and do some more detailed shots once it’s in proper focus. Really, it’s the lack of tracking motor, limiting the exposure times, that has made the telescope a low priority, but I have it, I might as well be using it…