Two quick

It’s been a busy two weeks and I haven’t had time to do much for the bloggarino – a couple of the recent posts were actually scheduled days in advance. I should be more free now, but right at the moment, just two quick images from this morning, almost the same location but not the same time of day.

Heading out to breakfast this morning with The Girlfriend and The Manatee, I spotted my little friend here:

Carolina anole Anolis carolinensis perched alongside flowers of oak-leaf hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia
It’s not like I need further photos of Carolina anoles (Anolis carolinensis,) but it was being photogenic next to the flowers of the oak-leaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia,) so I grabbed the camera. The morning sun was blocked from this position so it looks far more overcast than it is.

On returning, the anole had moved on, but very close by was another tableau:

very small Chinese mantis Tenodera sinensis eyeing nearby housefly Musca domestica
The housefly (Musca domestica) is easy enough to spot, but the little Chinese mantis (Tenodera sinensis) is there if you look. While the mantis could potentially have captured and eaten the fly – well, most of it perhaps – the fly took off before a move was made. It at least provided a nice scale for the mantis, and the two images show off the radical difference, including in color, between sunlight and shade. Composition, tension, and education – what more could you want?

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