It’s always the ponds

pond featured in the holiday
There was supposed to be a different holiday in here today, but we can only have one holiday per day, according to the International Rules of Blog Holidays, and we’re forced to go with this one, which is nowhere near as much fun. I’m talking about Don’t Make The Big Change You Were Planning To Make Because Of A Pond Day… which, now that I think about it, can actually apply in two ways, and they’re both correct in this case. Kinda.

You are no doubt looking for an explanation of this, and you’re just going to have to keep looking on your own. Or wait for a little while, because it will become clear before next month is out – all in due time, as they say, just to be annoying because such calls for patience are never greeted with enthusiasm. “Oh, boy, I have to temper my excitement for an undisclosed period of time until Al stops being mysterious? I can’t wai- oh. I guess I’m gonna have to. But fuck you Al.”

Yes, that’s the pond in question up there, though in and of itself, it’s innocent, or at least its guilt cannot be established to a reasonable extent. It’s cool, it’s cool – this will all be resolved in a bit, and then we can can go into some nice new stuff here.

In the meantime, a stray image from an outing this past weekend, of which more images will be along when I get the chance to write them up better, perhaps within the day. This is a partridge pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata,) which is fairly abundant at Mason Farm Biological Reserve but only occasionally seen elsewhere; the leaves bear a strong resemblance to mimosa trees, but that’s as far as the resemblance goes, since these are low bushes and the flowers are entirely different (mimosas are cooler.)

flower and leaves of a partridge pea Chamaecrista fasciculata in Mason Farm Biological Reserve

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