Estate Find V

Carolina anole Anolis carolinensis out in late January in pale grey coloration
If you’re seeing this, it means I failed in finding something newer or unique or somehow more exotic like I think the Estate Finds should be, when I went out looking yesterday, and so kept this fallback image. It is of course another Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis,) but curiously, one from just a few days ago as soon as the temperature peaked above 10°c after about two weeks of near- to sub-freezing temperatures – this was the day before the turtles had even ventured out. I’ve never seen one quite this pale grey, however, but I suspect that it was immediately before starting to shed its skin; I’ve seen them in mid-shed and the skin color supports this idea. But that distinct, straight-edged patch at the waist? Got me. Looks like someone trying to match paint colors unsuccessfully.

But yeah, I’m really aiming for subjects that I haven’t photographed thousands of times before. I’ll try harder…

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