Some time back, The Girlfriend was delighted to find a stuffed toy version of a blue-footed booby, and who can blame her? Everyone should have one, and I know if I had possessed one while growing up instead of a neon-orange-and-white velveteen rabbit, I would be a different person today. I’ll just leave that hanging out there…
Around christmastime, somehow, it got one of those self-sticking gift bows attached to its hind end – you’re free to speculate. I figured it for an act of vandalism myself, and demanded to know the culprit responsible:
“Who put the bow on the butt of the booby?”
Such a simple, direct question – I don’t know why I had to ask it three times…
[Little Girl really did photobomb the frame as I was getting the shot – I only take credit for capturing it as it occurred.]