Despite the fact that it remains the summer months, I have not been as active, photographerically, as I should be, because of the heat – time outdoors is kept to a necessary minimum. This means nothing but local subjects, and you’ve seen enough of them (unless you haven’t? Let me know.) Instead, I’ve been engaged in other projects, some of which you may see shortly.
So I will crassly recycle content from other sites, partially to have something, partially because this is worth it, at least if you’ve managed to stomach some of the other content that I’ve had here. I tend to think that featuring other people’s work is not a real post, myself, but then again, there are plenty of sites where that’s nearly all that they do, so I suppose I can chill out.
Anyway, Ze Frank is back, and by now you should know what that means:
I just spent a fruitless half-hour looking for old images of a fish skull that I know I have, because I ran across them a few months back, but they’re negative scans dating from 2003 and I don’t recall in the multi-harddrive hierarchy of my computer where they reside. They were posted on a page back then requesting identification, because as Ze Frank indicates, fish skulls are not like mammalian, avian, or reptilian skulls, and I wasn’t even sure that it was a skull – a few people well-versed in biology were unsure as well, because if you don’t specialize in piscine fields you may not get any exposure. I eventually received a response from someone in South Africa who assured me, paraphrased here because two decades ago, “It’s definitely a fishy – I’m not sure what kind, but for sure it’s a fishy.” You gotta love the internet sometimes.