After the first grueling summer of 16-something-or-other, the initial colonists of what would later become the United States said, “Enough of this shit” (or words to that effect – probably more like, “Forsooth, we are unworthy of this bounty of excrement,”) and sailed down to Costa Rica to watch sunsets on the beach, a tradition that would eventually
Tag: can’t even
Papa’s got a brand new tag
Once again, like last year and the year before, we take a brief look at my abuse of standard blogging protocol (I mean, aside from and on top of my perpetual abuse of blogging protocol.) I’m talking about tags here, people. In normal
It’s hard sometimes
I’m not going to put on any airs about being a professional, or possessing expertise, or knowing how to do photography right – I see a wide variety of skills, occasionally offer small pointers when I think it will be well-received, and don’t otherwise concern myself with it too much.
There’s a limit, however. When a friend comes to visit, one who has been shooting longer than