What the hell?

Stepped out last night and caught this noise coming from someplace across the pond, but centered in a couple of different regions. It surged and faded, at times going completely silent, so I’m sure it was critters of some kind, but I’m just not sure what. Take a listen before we go any further:

Noises in the night

I had to increase this by 10db and it’s still quiet – headphones read more

Outside the box

Ran across this image online, unfortunately I forget where, but it was unattributed there anyway.

Though it’s not so much the image itself that I’m highlighting, but the context and captioning, which were references to a mother carrying her brood on her back.

Uhhhh, no. Almost certainly not, anyway. And it’s a subtle illustration of a prevalent attitude among humans, because we tend read more

How to become way too self-conscious

I am going to disappoint legions of people doing a websearch on that topic, hoping to develop their neurotic tendencies better, because this is going to apply only to a specific subset of people, but then again so does everything I post here.

I had mentioned earlier both my weird-ass schedule and the fact that the backyard pond was hosting several hatchings of tadpoles, and one of my regrets is that, read more