Tripod holes 27

N 28°47’57.33″ W 82°35’16.94″ Google Earth location

This plot is as close as I can get it with the trees in the way, though if I was there again I could tell you within a half-meter. Not that it matters, because you might see something similar from many different spots, and anyway this particular model is likely not still waiting there.This is a North American manatee (Trichechus read more

Sunday slide 48

I’m fairly certain the dragonfly is an eastern pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis.) But that’s not the only species visible in the shot. Take as much time as you need to find the other, before you check out Sunday slide 13, which should visually clue you in. Yes, they were read more

Sunday slide 13

The Indeterminate Mr Bugg, who hasn’t been posting jack the past several weeks, actually said he was thinking of stealing my Sunday slide topic for his own blog, an entertaining idea since he shoots only digital and doesn’t even have a film camera. I don’t think he has the guts to go through with it, to be honest with you…

For this one we go back just a few years, to a Florida read more