That makes two. Or is it three?

I was sorting images a few hours back, which often results in finding a few more pics to post, and indeed did moreover, it falls in line with the ‘Just Once’ topic, since it was featured earlier this year.

That’s a yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius,) snagged while out chasing wood ducks the other day, on a tree right alongside the pond – read more

Just once, part 39

This week’s only-seen-here-once-before image is from 19 months ago, February last year, and I couldn’t tell you why I’d never photographed a yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) before, or since, but here we are. I would have liked to have gotten closer, or a clearer view at least, but this guy disappeared before I could do much more, read more

Acceptable for February

Today got as warm as 24°c, so I took the opportunity to return to Jordan Lake to see what could be seen. The spot where we were seeing the eagles last week was almost empty, save for a few gulls and cormorants, and I only fired off a handful of frames trying for something read more