Scattered, by the numbers

This time, when I went down to Jordan Lake it was at night, because I thought I might be able to see some moderately distant thunderstorms looking south. They had all petered out by the time I got there, and it was still World Snake Day, so I poked around briefly in the idle thought that a snake might be visible. I saw none, and indeed not much of anything, but walking along the water’s edge read more

Scattered, part of a series

Once again, clearing out a bunch of recent photos that aren’t related to one another and don’t make a narrative, but far be it from me to post something without words. I mean, c’mon…

On one of the trips down to Jordan Lake, I didn’t see a whole lot of action, though a couple of osprey (Pandion haliaetus) cruised overhead, perhaps hunting, perhaps read more

Just once, part 25

I knew this one was going to appear in this category and purposefully held onto it for this week. This is a summer tanager (Piranga rubra,) and it was photographed two years ago, coincidentally on the first day of summer (which doesn’t fall on a Wednesday this year, so this is as close as we get.) It was during an outing with Mr Bugg and, despite the brilliant red read more

Now, today

It’s been hot as hell recently – again – and I haven’t been going out much to chase photos, so I decided this morning before it got too hot to get in a quick session down at Jordan Lake. Spoiler: there wasn’t a lot happening, even though i expected to see ospreys and perhaps eagles finding food for their young. As it was, I have just three images (well, read more

Distributed far and wide

I had planned to have a couple of posts pop up in this past week and was working towards some nice little presentations, but many things happened to prevent this and I simply did not have my shit together even slightly, thus the post title.

Foremost in there was something in recognition of World Migratory Bird Day, specifically some video, but I was having a devil of a time getting a decent audio read more

This weekend

Or specifically, this Saturday (May 11th,) is World Migratory Bird Day – sorry I didn’t let you know sooner, but if it were really important to you, you’d already know anyway. So I’ll take this opportunity to throw down some migratory bird pics from earlier.

Down at Jordan Lake the other day specifically to get some audio recordings (which you’ll hear read more

April’s been bugging me…

… and it needs to go now. But we have a consolation prize, in the form of a ladies’ Speidel watchband and a lovely month-end abstract to go along with it:

I’d like to say this was intentional and it wouldn’t have been hard to accomplish, but this is simply evidence that I accidentally hit the shutter release as I was finished taking a few frames of pre-sunrise read more

Not gold

The Insuperable Mr Bugg (who has abandoned his blog and now relies on [urk!] social media, so you can only see his photos if he’s your ‘friend’ or whatever, while I welcome everyone) and I went down to Jordan Lake for sunrise yesterday, and it performed as typical for this area, which is to say, not very well. Colors peaked a little read more

Trouble with the neighbors

I’ve been sitting on these while I get a few others things done, so the images here all came from four days ago, another trip down to Jordan Lake, in less than ideal conditions, that netted a bit of drama nonetheless. The first bit is, the ospreys have returned.

While the eagles overwinter in the area, being quite well cold adapted (able to be found up near the arctic circle,) read more

Well, it is rut season…

… but I’m doing what little I can to avoid being too deep into it. Meaning we’re going to briefly lean away from the same subject matter for a little bit (meaning, “a post,”) before we go right back to the same rut again. So here are the, um, other subjects from yesterday’s trip to the lake.

As we (meaning the Irascible Mr Bugg and I) walked form the parking spot read more

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