I couldn’t really pass this one up, as curious as it is. Back in October when cruising through the NC Botanical Garden, I happened across a small flowering plant, almost ready to blossom out, and the spiral pattern of the buds was compelling, so of course I had to go in straight down from the top. The dim natural light was part of the motivation behind the short depth, but also the idea that I didn’t want too much detail or sharpness from the image. I like the way it came out.
Meanwhile, I present another image with a curious effect, but I have to admit this isn’t the best way of presenting it. It should be casually inserted into a gallery of other images without comment, letting people skim over it if they’re so inclined, waiting to see how many people catch the peculiarity of it. All I will tell you is that there is no trickery involved.
If you figured out what was special about it, good! And if not, even better, because it means it was as confusing as I’d hoped. If you were definitely wondering about the odd appearance of the sun or moon in there, I’d be happy. But perhaps it wasn’t that hard after all. Regardless, here’s the image as shot.
I had been looking at the reflections of the bare trees in the nearly motionless water of a small stream, wondering how to make it slightly more interesting, when I saw the leaf approaching on the feeble current. It took a couple of minutes for it to get into position where I wanted it, probably making Mr Bugg wonder what the hell I was up to just standing there staring at the water, but again, I like the end result.