Today is World Turtle Day, which I only discovered by reading Why Evolution Is True just a few minutes ago. As such, I am ill-prepared, and can only resort to a photo from a few days back for something current.
Curiously, these might be Florida cooters (Pseudemys floridana) based on the habitat and their faint markings, but I wouldn’t confidently inform any investors of that – I’m more confident that they’re one of the cooter family (genus Pseudemys) anyway. This is a crop for better focus on our holiday subject, part of a lager frame that included more, like this:
It’s only midday, so I may still get out and get some super-current turtles, especially since these were found down at a spot with an active osprey nest that did not appear to have hatched earlier this week, so I need to check on them anyway. Plus there are turtles near Walkabout Studios anyway, so all I have to do is get some frames worthy of the holiday. Shouldn’t be too hard, right? I should never say things like that…
Anyway, enjoy World Turtle Day! I’m not sure how you celebrate it, really – maybe read some Aeschylus…