I leave it up to you

Thursday, May 23rd, is World Turtle Day – but I’m sure you already knew that, at the very least from reading it here several times before. This time around, however, I am unlikely to have any free time that day to pursue it in any form, and will have to catch up later, so I’m putting this in your capable hands – no, not those hands, and you really should wash them, but your capable ones. Go do something turtley, or educate someone about turtles, or even do a little research on them yourself. How many do you have in your own state? Okay, that’s an extremely tall order, so let’s shorten that down to how many different species? Can you dependably find one? At this time of year, you should, especially if you’re on this blog, so go ahead and prove it to me.

Yeah, I know, throwing down challenges in a somewhat condescending manner immediately after claiming to be too busy to do it myself, but you know, things do come up. Whatever – I’ll be back later on and make up for it to some extent. Right now we have a pic from a few weeks back, while checking on one of the osprey nests.

pair of likely pond sliders Trachemys scripta perched on barely adequate snag
Not close enough to be sure, but I believe these are pond sliders (Trachemys scripta,) and there are only two – the third head is only a bump on the stump. And for the record, the most recent turtle image that I’ve obtained, as well:

barest peek at turtle head protruding from lake
Yeah, I know it sucks, and it’s not even going to survive the sorting cull, but it’s the latest, a grab shot right before it disappeared. I provide it in good faith, or some shit like that, establishing that at least I’ve done something within the month without even trying. Yeah, “That’s obvious,” ha ha ha, go do something better…