A wee bit of fog

It was definitely a tad foggy this morning around Walkabout Estates Plus, and we elected to go down to the waterfront to see how thick it was down there.

It was.

heavy fog on Pamlico Sound
I was thinking that it might be moody and shadowy, but this surpassed my expectations – the water practically disappeared immediately, because the air was still so the water surface was smooth and reflecting only the fog. Near the boats you could tell, or when a seagull cruised low over the water, but without those cues it was simply void.

heavy fog on Pamlico Sound
I’d been out very early in the morning before the sky had started to lighten, and the mist passing through the flashlight looked like a blizzard in miniature, but this persisted well on into the morning – it was a little after eight AM at this point, and showing no signs of lifting.

moored boat barely visible through heavy fog on Pamlico Sound
The waterfront is a popular place to moor offshore, and there are always a few sailboats dotting the water – like the one seen here. Yeah, there’s a boat out there.

I did a few frames shooting along the waterfront too.

glow of sun through fog on waterfront area, Pamlico Sound
I was being tricksy, and framed the glow from the sun behind the lamp, but it gives you an impression too – it was not that early in the morning for the sun to be that high.

I kind of regret no going out much earlier though, well before first light, because the moon was full enough to illuminate this seriously, and I might have found some nice areas for time exposures. Not sure we won’t have the conditions for this again tonight and tomorrow morning.

small island just visible through heavy fog on Pamlico Sound, a measured 150 meters off.
Now, this one I can actually measure with Google Earth, because that’s a distinctive island out there (known as “The Castle” for reasons I am not presently privy to,) and it’s 150 meters away. And another boat of course. This was as thin as the fog got while we were out there. From nearly the same location, I also turned into the sun:

sun glowing through heavy fog on Pamlico Sound
The sun went back and forth between being a barely-distinct circle and merely a glow in ‘about that direction’ – it got bleached out in the exposure here, but is visible in its reflection on the water.

Just thinking – I could have gone into the gallery district before the sun came up too, and shot the holiday lights through this. I hate when I come up with ideas too late, but at least it’s in my mind for the next such conditions.

Canada geese Branta canadensis cruising low over water of Pamlico Sound in heavy fog
Those are Canada geese (Branta canadensis) cruising over the water, and you can see their reflections beneath – they’re only a couple of meters up. Not the conditions I’d fly in, but I expect they’re weren’t paying attention to the NOTAMs.

But a nice little excursion for the morning. The Girlfriend, now retired but still kind of in ‘work mindset,’ likes it when I suggest things like this, because that’s what retirement’s for, right?

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