Couple more

Just for giggles, since I got an eclectic selection today, some of which are going to appear tomorrow morning.

The day was quite warm, nice spring weather, and the Carolina anoles (Anolis carolinensis) knew it of course.

This is the post for the lamp alongside the front walk, which continues to host many anoles both around the base and within, as you can see here – the hole read more

Estate Find V

If you’re seeing this, it means I failed in finding something newer or unique or somehow more exotic like I think the Estate Finds should be, when I went out looking yesterday, and so kept this fallback image. It is of course another Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis,) but curiously, one from just a few days ago as soon as the temperature peaked above 10°c read more

Walkabout approves…

… of these conditions.

These are all from yesterday, when the temperature here topped 18°c – not bad for December 30th, and I think it got even higher today. A cold snap is on its way, with the possibility of it dipping below -5°c, so these pics are in appreciation, and to refer back to when we’re not going out at all.

First off, the turtles put on a display.

That’s read more

Just once, part 51

We’re coming down to the wire now, especially since I already know what I’m going to use for the last entry. This one is kind of a last-minute changeup, since I’d originally slotted a bird in here but found that none of the single-appearance birds that I had in the list were wowing me, so we’re going with a plant instead.

And there’s a chance this has even appeared on read more

Further along those lines…

Just a follow-up to yesterday’s post, from early this morning. Because I opened the blinds in the bedroom and found the female red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) standing in the lawn right outside the window, but she noticed the movement and decided it wasn’t kosher, that close and with her down that low. I realized, many years ago while doing wildlife rehabilitation, that read more

Defying expectations

So yesterday I determined that there were a few shots that I wanted to capture today, and had them scheduled in. The weather, however, had other ideas, and most of the day was rainy, not at all conditions for what I had planned (which, successful or not, I’ll reveal eventually – just not in this post.) Thus I resigned myself to skipping photography for the day and working on other tasks read more

Clear ’em out (only momentarily)

All right, the anole pics are piling up, though I’ve been trying to do posts on other things to break it up a little, but now it’s time to clean ’em out, for the brief period that this will last. We’ll start with a few from just this morning.

Going out to the greenhouse to open it up for the day, I found this little scene etched on one panel:

That’s condensation read more

Just once, part 45

I decided to do this one, since it was just a couple days past a year ago that I snagged this shot.

Okay, yes, I’ve featured Carolina anoles (Anolis carolinensis) here a billion times, and there will be more before the end of the week even. But I’ve only featured, and seen, one with a forked tail just once in my life, so this counts. And believe me, read more

Don’t move!

Seriously, don’t move it’s a pain in the ass, takes forever, and results in far too many aches and pains. We’ve still got far too much to go, and Walkabout Studios is going to take a while to be in proper shape. So I haven’t much time to devote to posting, but I’ll slip in here and there as I have a few moments. And in like vein, I snag the occasional read more

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