Miss Monday Monochrome?

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve had a couple of images set aside for this purpose, and just added a few more. Let’s see what we have now.

The color version can be found here, but in this case, after converting to individual color channels, I reduced read more

These are not snakes

No, I’m not trying to show off my amateur naturalist cred, and no, ‘amateur naturalist’ doesn’t mean I’m bad at getting nekkid – that’s ‘naturist,’ goober. And you still wouldn’t want to see it.

No, I’m referring to the fact that all of these were shot while I was looking for snakes for World Snake Day, which is still going on as I read more

Could this be Al?

It’s been almost a week without anything but my routine weekly post, and for that, I apologize – it’s been a bit busy here, and while I obtained some frames here and there, I never got around to doing anything with them. Today, however, is Prove That You’re Not Dead Day, so it seemed as good a time as any to get them up here. Or for someone to produce a post read more

Pending further developments

So, I said earlier that the cicada hatching this year wasn’t going to be an onslaught, and now I must amend that because, damn.

First off, the hatchings solely on this property have exceeded expectations, and I’ve spent several nights out there documenting the events – it’s been dozens of individuals, easily, centered on three distinct areas. One of which read more

Straightening up

Just a handful of photos, some a few weeks old (from before the eclipse, even,) right on up to today, because I felt the need to update some.

We’ll start with another semi-abstract, taken on the day of the previous month-end abstract (though that post had already gone up.)

This is the favorite Japanese maple, a small one that’s remained potted but has the thickest canopy read more

Down another notch

While I don’t allow the numerous enthusiastic and complimentary comments on these posts to influence me too much, I admit that they’re a boost to my ego, and then something like this happens to bring me back into perspective. I present to you an image from early yesterday afternoon, once again on Walkabout Estates.

I was delighted to see this guy, because this is the read more

Trekking through the deep wilds

Well, okay, that might be giving a slightly overblown idea of the efforts, since all but one of these images were taken within seven meters of the front door here at Walkabout Estates. The one exception? Within seven meters of the back door. But I have a few spring photos handy and I’m gonna use them (in between more raptor images, so there’s a dual purpose.)

We’ll start with one read more

A little content

I’ve been a bit busy of late, and haven’t been taking the time for posts – this will continue a little while longer, too. So I’m going to throw something down pretty quickly, the frozen pizza of the online world, because we need something here.

First of all, while this image isn’t the slightest bit impressive or even interesting, it’s evidence:

It’s read more

Much the same, but bright at least

So, it’s more of the same images that I get every spring, because they’re all on Walkabout Estates, but it’s what I could get today and it’s cheery, so deal. It’s not pics of food or me dancing in a halter top, you know? Okay then.

One of the azalea bushes out front is in full bloom, while the other, which is right alongside, the same species, and planted at read more

Let no one tell you otherwise

Yesterday was officially the first day of spring – I could have let you know yesterday, but it would have been very late yesterday (like an hour ago,) and only if I’d scrambled, which I wasn’t inclined to do. But regardless of equinoxes and calendars and whatever silly flower someone might prefer, we have the only dependable guide to the start of this season, to wit:

Yep, read more

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