What? Pictures? Get out!

Yeah yeah, I know, terribly unprofessional of me to neglect the blog, but I’ll tell you what: you can keep my honorarium this month. Deal?

That aside, I did indeed take a few photos yesterday, which means only an hour or two ago. It’s a clear night.

I’d seen the moon last night, uh, two nights ago, and knew it was too soon for… you know… so kept it in read more

Equinox moon

Yes, it’s the autumnal equinox, that particular day when half of the moon is illuminated by the sun. Let’s have a look, shall we?

What, you were expecting to see a half-sphere, first quarter moon? I said half of it was illuminated, but that doesn’t mean we’re in a position to see it from Earth. I mean, half of the moon is illuminated when it’s read more