“Red” is the wildly unoriginal name we’ve tentatively given to the female red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) that hunts in the yard – we should do better, but it’s what we twigged onto to give updates: “Red’s out on the pole,” and, “Red’s perched in the backyard.” The male remains nameless, mostly because
Tag: Darwin Day
Well, it’s something
Today is Darwin Day, and unlike last year, I actually have something for the day – just not much. Again, the reminders have been coming up in my calendar for the past week, and that hasn’t been enough to inspire something meaningful, but I do have a handful of observations that have provoked some
Nothing has evolved
Today is Darwin Day, celebrating the birth of Charles Darwin on this day in 1809, and I got bupkiss for it. I’ve known it was coming for over a week, even had routine reminders popping up in my calendar, and haven’t found a damn thing to actually
Development, yes. Improvement? Well…
This one came to me some time back and I’m still hashing out the speculative ramifications of it, so don’t expect a thesis here. Meanwhile, I realized that Darwin Day was approaching and stalled it a little to appear now.
There have been countless ways in which Homo sapiens is considered different and distinct from all other species on the planet, but let’s get something
Made your plans?
Tomorrow is Darwin Day, honoring Charles Darwin’s contributions to science on the 214th anniversary of his birth. As an added bonus, it falls on a Sunday this year, so make sure you hang out at your nearest fundamentalist church to appraise the attendees of this fact and wish them good luck in evolving.
Something after all
First off, I must start with the obligatory daffodil, the first in our yard at least. It opened sometime yesterday but the rain didn’t stop until that evening, so it’s a nighttime flash shot.
But I spent the past couple of days trying to find something to do for Darwin Day, which is today: Charles Darwin was born on this date in 1809, and of course,