Made your plans?

Tomorrow is Darwin Day, honoring Charles Darwin’s contributions to science on the 214th anniversary of his birth. As an added bonus, it falls on a Sunday this year, so make sure you hang out at your nearest fundamentalist church to appraise the attendees of this fact and wish them good luck in evolving.

I already have a post lined up, and might be read more


That’s all. Six frames. I’ve shot six frames in the camera, not just since the new year, but since December 17th of last year when I did the bubbles. Pathetic.

Yet, they’re not bad frames.

This is one of the two lemon trees in the greenhouse, just kickin’ it. We had a nasty cold snap in December, right as many buds were about to bloom, and though there’s a heater in the read more

Busy bee

The image above, naturally, needs no explanation, because you certainly should recognize it if you are a decent human being – you’re honoring the holiday just like the rest of us. But for all the insolent and sulky teens out there, this is residual pollen – specifically, the pollen of lemon trees – the stuff that remained behind on the paint brush after I read more