More vernal indicators

This is the 30th post beginning with “More” – just so you can keep track. You never should have lost count in the first place.

But as I said in the previous post, there are more signs that spring has arrived, and I present a few. Plus some extras – that’s called a “loss leader,” to rope you in.

We must start off with the first open blossom read more

Monday color 64,328

Actually, I’ve lost track of how many Monday Colors there have actually been, but I think this number isn’t underselling it. In the past, I’ve posted colors in the winter to counteract the lack thereof outside as we wait for spring to arrive, but this time, they’re actually current, having been taken today.

I posted a variation of this a couple days back, read more

Vermilion Monday

No, this isn’t going to be a regular thing – I don’t think. I just had a couple of photos to upload and needed an appropriate title, and the callback to last week just happened…

But, the backstory. My mom was always found of houseplants, even though her cats didn’t approve of keeping them in pristine condition, and one of her long-term succulents was a jade plant. Sometime read more

Flower Friday

No, this is not going to be a regular topic, because c’mon, I’m a guy! Mostly it’s to dump a large number of images stacking up in the blog folder, but also to tip my hat at the Alliterative Al. These have accumulated over a few months now, and while I could save them for read more