It works, sometimes

On Monday, I was watering the plants and found something that compelled me to get the camera, because she was surprisingly vivid – I was going to say, “unnaturally,” but that’s plainly wrong, I think. Anyway…

I thought first from the blonde thatch that this was a green lynx spider, but soon corrected myself – it’s our old friend the magnolia read more

Strays. Little orphans

Just a trio of images from recent days that didn’t fit into other posts – little to say about them.

This green treefrog (Dryophytes cinereus) has been living on the same trumpet flower (Brugmansia) for weeks now, which is rare, but I caught it as it was spying on me. Or counter-spying on me. Hey, this is my job hobby vocation calling pointless obsession!

While my brother read more

Oh, okay

After the previous images, you deserve something a little cuter, and I snagged this while in pursuit of those.

We’d been seeing this green treefrog (Dryophytes cinereus) settled in on a leaf of one of the trumpet flowers (Brugmansia) for days while the nights got pretty damn chilly, but last night when it was staying warmer, the frog decided to venture out read more

Snoozing in the sun

I have a post coming up that revolves around some updates, which then required more updates, so this is dragging out longer than intended, but it should be along soon. For now, we have a capture during a break today, the same trumpet flower plant from the previous post (whose occupant is still hanging about, undoubtedly thinking more mantids will be along soon.) This time, the subject remained read more

Token token token

For the sake of it, I did a few pictures today, and if you know anything about my writing style, you’ll notice that I did not say, “images” – this says something on its own. While signs of spring have been popping up here and there, indicating that the plants, at least, think it’s about time, we’re about to undergo a drastic drop in temperature tonight (like, read more

This, or nothing

I haven’t entirely been avoiding photography lately, but since what I’ve been seeing is more of the same from the past several weeks, I haven’t been running to get my camera too often either. This is just to show that I’m still kicking, and still maintaining some content, even if it’s just variations of the same damn things. Plus this brings me up read more

Local variants

The other day I did the rounds of Walkabout Estates to see what was happening among the nonhuman residents, kind of like a camp counselor but with a lot less chance of finding kids sneaking peeks at a bootleg copy of Emmanuelle vs Ghidra. What I did find, however, was a notable difference in the hue of the green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) that were snoozing for the day, read more

Pure thoughts and clean living

They had nothing whatsoever to do with my success early this morning, so I honestly don’t know what to credit it to, except that everything else sounds like superstition so I’m going with pure dumb luck. But while it was still raining lightly, I went out with the headlamp to check on erosion control measures and did a quick review of various haunts while out there. I found two green read more

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