I’m a little behind with this follow-up, but I have good reasons, plus I’m a grownup and don’t have to explain myself to the teacher anymore. Yet I did indeed get something at least semi-appropriate for World Migratory Bird Day, on that very day even, though I cut it kinda
Tag: red-bellied water snake
Exactly as scheduled
Since today is Thin Out The Blog Folder Day, I have several images that I was saving just to have something to post for the holiday, because normally, there are no excess images in there – I’m remarkably efficient in my writing, and if I prepare an image for the blog, you know damn well it will be uploaded without delay. So let’s see what I chose, months
Just because, part 20
I have a handful of pics from a recent outing to post, and while this one came from the same outing, it is notably different from the others and kinda “out of theme,” but I liked it too much to let it go. This is a red-bellied water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster,) a good-sized specimen, basking in the morning sunlight at Mason Farm Biological Reserve. Now that
Let’s take a herpetology break
Because you know we’ll be back to the arthropods soon enough…
All of these, by the way, came from the NC Botanical Gardens, just not on the same day. There are reptiles and amphibians to be found elsewhere of course, but the conditions in the gardens are pretty welcoming to them, and they have enough human contact to be less shy than normal.
On a fence where they’re