November is not

Not after today, anyway. And that means we have the end-of-the-month abstract to deal with, because it’s tradition now. Meaningless ritual. Completely idiotic superstition. You know the deal.

Definitely abstract this time, if not a bit hard to fathom, but this is the glitter trail of sunlight reflected from slightly choppy water, seen through the needles of a bald cypress (Taxodium read more

Semi-cooperative eagles

I originally considered them uncooperative eagles, but realized that was being unfair. And then as I type this, I recognize that assigning them any level of cooperation is unfair and a stupid human perspective, because they simply don’t give a shit and are going about their days, but I digress.

These all came from an outing with The Immaculate Mr Bugg… psssfffhh, thirteen days read more

Living in the past XI

Today’s entry comes from 2014 – or is it 2013? It was actually uploaded in December 2013 for a post that didn’t appear until January of the next year, though it was taken in 2006, so how does that count, judges? We need a ruling…

I like the image, being one of the uncommon strictly fartsy attempts, but, it suffers from a digital trait that prevents it from becoming read more

Exactly as scheduled

Since today is Thin Out The Blog Folder Day, I have several images that I was saving just to have something to post for the holiday, because normally, there are no excess images in there – I’m remarkably efficient in my writing, and if I prepare an image for the blog, you know damn well it will be uploaded without delay. So let’s see what I chose, months read more

On this date 40

Just a few this week, perhaps a harbinger of the slowing shooting season, perhaps just a fluke – I haven’t looked through following weeks in the database to see how the numbers are going. First up is this bald cypress tree (Taxodium distichum) in Jones Lake near Elizabethtown, NC, from 2006. This was taken with the Canon Pro90 IS and shows the lower quality read more

March timeses on

… or something like that. It’s end-of-month abstract time, is what I’m saying.

Our abstract here is a great blue heron (Ardea herodias) that I’d waited until the light was bad so the shutter would drag, and captured it on takeoff – this was all carefully planned to appear like impressionist brush strokes, y’ see. Really.

And another, because I got two that I liked read more

Less topical

Within a few days, I got a ton of photos to post, and then of course not a lot of time to post them, which is the way it goes. There will be another, image-heavy one to follow this, all tightly within a particular genre, so right now I’m doing the easier, briefer post. Not because I’m lazy, but because the other will take more time to prep and I don’t have as much right at the read more

Something for today

I’ve got some current content that will be coming soon, but I’m a little tired right now and have to crash for a short while, and by the time I’m awake again it’ll be tomorrow, so I’m sneaking this in now, a trivial thing but it’s been on my mind for a couple of days.

At right is the context image, a bald cypress tree (Taxodium distichum) in the ‘middle’ read more