Two decades ago…

… on this very day, I was testing out a reverse periscope in Florida while my brother visited.

Here’s the deal: I really wanted some underwater pics in situ, but couldn’t afford an underwater camera. At that time, digital cameras were just appearing on the market – I remember one photographer in our wedding photography group just read more

My god! It’s full of snails!

When I was in Florida, I maintained a saltwater aquarium in the most casual way possible, by simply replenishing it with water from the nearby Indian River Lagoon routinely. The occupants were primarily porcelain crabs, tiny hermit crabs, and read more

There’s always a way

Skimming through my archive photos looking for a topic for a blog post, I found one! Amazing, isn’t it? Anyway, one of the things I tell my photography students (and anyone else that will listen) routinely is that chasing equipment isn’t the key to getting those wonderful images they’ve been after. I’d use myself as an example, because I’ve worked on a shoestring all read more