Oh, yeah, forgot about this one

We have a late entry for the month-end abstract:

dispersing milkweed-type seeds
Technically, it’s an early entry, since it was shot on August 31st, though after the month-end image for August had already posted. I’d cropped and saved it just for this purpose, if I didn’t find one more appropriate in the interim, and then forgot about it until I was skimming the blog folder. It comes from the same outing to the NC Botanical Garden seen here, and I can’t tell you what these are seeds of – they have the appearance of milkweed (and I named the image that way) but I don’t think that’s correct. I mean, do you really want to know? I could find out, if it means a lot to you [read: you are willing to pay money for the knowledge.] Let me know.

Meanwhile, don’t you like the definition of those ‘feathers?’ Mamiya 80mm macro all the way, baby! Plus the forethought of using them as the focal point, of course. Are you sure you don’t want to know what they are?

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