That’s a little better

juvenile green treefrog Dryophytes cinereus in closeup showing softbox reflection
Switched out the ‘clear’ diffuser for the white one on the new softbox, and the difference is noticeable – what we’re looking at here is the round light reflecting from the frog’s eye. Still not perfectly even, but probably the best I can hope for with this design (yes, I’ve actually considered a backwards-facing flash head into a parabola, but the ability to reach out over the subject is also important, so such a thing would be awkward.) Anyway, I’m going with this for the time being.

This green treefrog (Dryophytes cinereus,) by the way, is half the size of the one previously, perhaps as big as the top joint of your thumb – I had to crop to nearly full-resolution to show the softbox reflection in detail, so most of the time it will go entirely unnoticed. The size of the frog is a little more evident when compared to the thorns of the rose bush it was perched so action-readily upon.

juvenile green treefrog Dryophytes cinereus perched on rose bush