Du får lämna nu, August

Boy, I’m late! To all those readers who came here seeking the end-of-month abstract to view over their morning coffee or first dump, I apologize. It remains a crazy time here, and again, more will be revealed later on.

So we’ll have four, count ’em, four abstracts. It probably would be better if we went with just one good abstract, but I think we’ve determined that I only stumble upon those rather than produce them on demand. Plus I’m rarely thinking in those terms when out shooting anyway.

But since there were three outings last week, we’ll do one for each of those, plus a local, which comes first.

dew on ivy leaf as the sun hits it
This one was intentional, as I spotted it in The Jungle when looking for critters, so I did a quick couple of frames. We hadn’t had rain in two weeks at that point, so this is only dew.

orange jewelweed Impatiens capensis flower in short focus
This was from the Eno River, which was amazingly slow and produced too few photos for the time spent. This is, among many other things, an orange jewelweed flower (Impatiens capensis) shot with intentionally short focus – this was mid-afternoon so the dew was long gone by this point.

maple leaf under ghostly water in New Hope Creek, Duke Forest
Next up we have Duke Forest and New Hope Creek, which was also disturbingly bereft of photo subjects, so I dragged the shutter a little to soften the water, and managed to keep the camera steady enough to maintain sharpness of the maple leaf. I probably should have boosted saturation for this one, but the weak colors convey the mood better I think.

heavy dewdrops on orb web in Mason Farm Biological Preserve before sunrise
Mason Farm Biological Reserve was easily the most productive, and also the most humid – there was low-lying fog in selective patches before sunrise, and we made the most of it. More of those photos will be along eventually – today was actually supposed to be my day for catching up a little, then The Girlfriend’s flight out to Maine was bumped a full day back, screwing things up royally, and I have to be up at an ungodly hour (aren’t they all?) again tomorrow to get her to the airport. As my friend observed, flying (at least commercially in the US) certainly sucks anymore.

Regardless, onward into September!

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