Just for giggles, since I got an eclectic selection today, some of which are going to appear tomorrow morning.
The day was quite warm, nice spring weather, and the Carolina anoles (Anolis carolinensis) knew it of course.
This is the post for the lamp alongside the front walk, which continues to host many anoles both around the base and within, as you can see here – the hole used to be for a ‘hitching post’ crossbar that long since vanished, but the main post is hollow for the electrical wiring so they have a nice place to hide. And don’t ask me what that lump is. I was shooting these while waiting for more developments on the Estate Find front, which you’ll see shortly.
And near the bird feeders.
When I saw how similar these two frames were, I had to make a gif (pronounced, “al-JAF-fee”) from them, but this opened up another 20-minute search to determine for sure what the bird was, because I do that. And I’m still not sure, but I think it’s an immature yellow-rumped warbler (Setophaga coronata) – the color variation is this species is ridiculous. From other photos I know it has the yellow rump, and the white eye ring, but only the faintest hint of other markings that are ‘typical.’ In other words, it could fit within the variations, but I’m not sure other species won’t be a closer match. While calls are one of the most dependable methods of identifying birds, naturally none of them want to audition their song while I’m watching. But who cares? It’s a cocky little bird – leave it at that.