Something tagged this way comes

It’s January, it’s cold, everyone (in the northern hemisphere) is cooped up inside, and to top it all off, we’re back with the tag roundup – death and tags, you can’t escape them. And while you think you know what tags are and what they’re for, here on the ol’ Walkabout blogaroonie, they’re also irreverent and uncouth comments on the content, and since read more

Public Service Announcement

This is just a little reminder, for your sake and ours: Nature photography benefits from doing things correctly. Today, we’re going to talk about shooting through windshields. As easy as it might be, as convenient as it might be, despite the fact that your subject may not permit your attempt to avoid it by opening a door or window and leaning out, don’t shoot through windshields.

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Walkabout recommends: Hogfather

This has actually been recommended before, at about this time of year, and I’m a little remiss in not making this a full post, especially two weeks ago or more to give people a chance to get it on their own. You can get it rushed to you in time for the new year, at least.

The movie in question is Hogfather, based on the novel of the same name by Terry Pratchett, an read more

Another milestone in photography

Or to be more specific, another milestone to photographers, because it doesn’t really impact photography in any significant way. But today is the birthday of Patois Ferndiddler. known far and wide (for a given definition of those, anyway,) as the inventor of the neck strap.

Ferndiddler’s innovation came along in that crucial time period between photographers no longer being able to afford read more

Cut it out, brain!

A bit over a week ago I guess, I woke up here at the new Walkabout Manor during the move-in process, which meant a fitful night on the air mattress while we waited for the trailer with most of our belongings to get delivered. Whether this had anything to do with it or not, I arose quite anxious, because I was acutely aware that I had to change the address on my business cards and get more ordered. read more

Walkabout recommends: 1941

All right, it’s time to get controversial, because the movie we’re recommending here is widely regarded as a flop, a failure, unfunny, and on and on moreover, it’s by Steven Spielberg, which makes it almost personally offensive to many people. Yet I have to say, I saw it when it first came out in 1979, and have watched it frequently ever since, and I have never read more

Oh thank you

After spending far too much time seeing countless online displays of American hubris and mindless patriotism for the holiday yesterday, I ran across this little gem.

While I’m not familiar with the specific episode, I feel obligated to say that this is Diane Morgan as her character Philomena Cunk, the host of a few shows that interview various historical experts while being read more

Saved for today

Yesterday was one holiday, and today is another (don’t ask me who schedules these things without any breathing room): National Where The Hell Did This Come From? Day, and I’ve got a nice example for you, discovered in the back yard here at Walkabout Estates.

First off, ignore the brown wormy thing, which is just a millipede that was passing through as I snapped the image. read more

Profiles of Nature 60

It’s been exactly five months since the previous Profiles, so we’re definitely overdue, and we’re not buying that you haven’t fully recovered from that one you have undoubtedly noticed that we’ve avoided saying “last one” and likely suspect there’s a reason for that.

This Profiles we have Abelard, who self identifies as an influencer, proudly read more

Exactly/mostly as feared/intended

I don’t know who comes up with these holidays, I really don’t – it’s makes little sense to celebrate something so banal. Why don’t we have National Spaghetti Day or Stay Away From Seattle Day while we’re at it?

[Oh. We do.]

But anyway, today/yesterday is/was Encounter Extraordinary/Rotten Luck Day, and since there read more

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