Just because, part 54

Stepped out at dusk last night, then stepped back in to get the camera and shoot a couple of frames.

Well, it was more than a couple, because I was both focusing manually and freehanding the long lens, trying for an exposure that would bright out the branches against the last light in the sky I have a lot of discards. It would have been better about ten minutes read more

A night without success

I went out again a bit earlier to see if I could spot, and potentially photograph, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, supposed to be visible as twilight fades after sunset. Coming in at just under magnitude 6, which is about the minimum to spot unaided, I knew it was too faint for the light pollution in this area, but perhaps I could snag it with a slightly long exposure at high ISO? I plotted the rough location read more


I mean, not totally random – you’re not going to see author portraits or product photography or what I’m eating right now or some outfit that I bought only to do cheesecake selfies in and never actually wear. But random for my typical photo subjects, so you can let your hopes die down now. I’ve got a shitload of sorting to do and several other projects on read more

You’re a slacker, McFly

That’s not how the line actually goes, but it services anyway. I’ve had these photos, and this subject, for nearly two weeks now, with nary a post in there, and just didn’t do a damn thing with them. Nor did Doc Brown show up to save me.

Now, there is a little backstory, but let’s start at the beginning. I went down to Jordan Lake while the temperature was nice just read more

This is not a comet

Well, I mean, duryea! But I did not go out tonight with the intention of shooting the moon. I was out attempting to see and/or photograph comet C/2021 A1, otherwise known as Leonard (and somehow not “Al” as it seems to imply,) because it’s been visible along the horizon not long after sunset, and I finally got clear skies and a free schedule to get out read more