It’s January, it’s cold, everyone (in the northern hemisphere) is cooped up inside, and to top it all off, we’re back with the tag roundup – death and tags, you can’t escape them. And while you think you know what tags are and what they’re for, here on the ol’ Walkabout blogaroonie, they’re also irreverent and uncouth comments on the content, and since
Category: Random
Sure handy at times
I’ve commented before about getting into 3D printing, and the only major change made since the last mention was adding a resin printer to the mix, not too long after we moved to Walkabout estates Plus – this was largely
After my nostril pics of the red-shouldered hawk, The Girlfriend went out to do some shopping, scaring the two hawks off from the light pole when the car started (it’s not that loud, honest.) Upon her return, as she was unloading the groceries from the car, she caught motion over her left shoulder as something passed and crashed into the bush right alongside the front door. As she turned to
Chaos, revisited, part two
I said earlier that I had a few new thoughts about chaos theory, and so we delve back into this mess, but at least I’m giving you fair warning.
We refer back to The Forces of Chance article by Brian Klaas, and he uses the example of how the Secretary
Always check your calendar
Several years ago during the trip to South Carolina, I was putting one of the kayaks on the roof rack of the car and, being incautious, ran into the side mirror of the car while maneuvering the straps around. This pulled a muscle in the side of my lower back rather seriously, and left me a bit tender for a while. Worse, it’s the kind of muscle that you use for a lot of things, and
Another milestone in photography
Or to be more specific, another milestone to photographers, because it doesn’t really impact photography in any significant way. But today is the birthday of Patois Ferndiddler. known far and wide (for a given definition of those, anyway,) as the inventor of the neck strap.
Ferndiddler’s innovation came along in that crucial time period between photographers no longer being able to afford
Cut it out, brain!
A bit over a week ago I guess, I woke up here at the new Walkabout Manor during the move-in process, which meant a fitful night on the air mattress while we waited for the trailer with most of our belongings to get delivered. Whether this had anything to do with it or not, I arose quite anxious, because I was acutely aware that I had to change the address on my business cards and get more ordered.
Not a long time but, you know, a long time
So this isn’t really a proper holiday today, but we’re celebrating it all the same, and by “we” I mean, “The Girlfriend and I,” though you’re welcome to celebrate it too if you like. I can finally break the big news that has been brewing for a while and announce that Walkabout Estates is now in a new location!
Actually, we wouldn’t be anywhere near
Walkabout recommends: 1941
All right, it’s time to get controversial, because the movie we’re recommending here is widely regarded as a flop, a failure, unfunny, and on and on moreover, it’s by Steven Spielberg, which makes it almost personally offensive to many people. Yet I have to say, I saw it when it first came out in 1979, and have watched it frequently ever since, and I have never
Miss Monday Monochrome?
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve had a couple of images set aside for this purpose, and just added a few more. Let’s see what we have now.
The color version can be found here, but in this case, after converting to individual color channels, I reduced