Walkabout recommends: Hogfather

This has actually been recommended before, at about this time of year, and I’m a little remiss in not making this a full post, especially two weeks ago or more to give people a chance to get it on their own. You can get it rushed to you in time for the new year, at least.

cover of Hogfather DVDThe movie in question is Hogfather, based on the novel of the same name by Terry Pratchett, an entry in the Discworld series. Now, this is a tall order in itself, since Pratchett’s writing doesn’t lend itself to easily making the jump over into screenplays, but one can be excused for being more worried that this was a serialization, of sorts, airing as a two-part episode on BBC television. I have to say, for converting a novel into film, this falls only behind Lord of the Rings in visualization, effort, and accuracy, while having a tiny fraction of the budget. Full credit goes to director Vadim Jean, but close on his heels is casting director Emma Style for putting together a fine collection of actors that fulfill their parts wonderfully. Getting Joss Ackland for Mustrum Ridcully (Archchancellor of Unseen University) was excellent, but Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey) as Susan and Marc Warren as the quintessentially creepy Teatime are near-perfect for their parts. Perhaps the only weakness in the cast is Corporal Nobby Nobbs, because Pratchett’s vague descriptions of him are bound to provide the readers’ own views that are next-to-impossible to fulfill anyway, though Nicolas Tennant nonetheless does an entertaining version.

The reason that I say this is so late is that the Discworld has its own counterparts of our culture, and the Discworld counterpart to our christmas is Hogswatch, presided over by a jolly fat man in a red suit (driving a sleigh pulled by four boars,) the Hogfather. Only, there is a plot afoot to eradicate the Hogfather, which may have dire consequences for all of the Discworld. Now, the Hogfather is an anthropomorphic personification, in essence, imagination made real, just like the Tooth Fairy, the Soul Cake Duck, and Death itself, so one might ask how you could potentially eradicate such a ‘being,’ and Pratchett does a marvelous job of addressing this while opening up much bigger and more philosophical subjects such as the nature of belief. The film progresses through the gradual reveal of the plot machinations, and those with a short attention span might find themselves too confused too often, but patience is a keyword, because it all becomes not just clear in the end, but also an examination of human nature and cultural heritage. Don’t let me give the wrong impression, though, because the story remains paramount and its progression holds our attention while presenting us with the various parallel aspects of the Discworld.

There are two main caveats. The first is the runtime, which clocks in all told at 3 hours and 9 minutes, though it is helpfully broken into two parts and thus may be watched in two sittings as preferred – on DVD or streaming, of course, this may be broken down further. The second caveat is that it was produced in England and, despite this being a fictional universe, the dialect and patois are distinctly British – this is not out of place, given how Ankh-Morpork, the city where most of the story takes place, is remarkably similar to Victorian London, but it does present some challenges from the dialogue at times, perhaps most so from Ridcully (Ackland.)

Michelle Dockery’s portrayal of Susan is exemplary, gradually revealing the special properties that she is disinclined to acknowledge herself, but from her first appearance she displays her critical thinking abilities and no-nonsense approach to matters. Her involvement in the whole affair is perhaps not quite as reluctant as she maintains, and this does eventually bring her into contact with Death – though, not in the manner that you might imagine, and she has her own way of addressing such. Death (voiced wonderfully by Ian Richardson) plays a large and important role in this film, though not very often in fulfillment of its own duties.

The faculty of Unseen University (the Discworld’s premier college of wizardry) also plays a large role, especially when more personifications start to appear, and while Hogfather falls before the other novel in the series that I’ve reviewed, this one served as an integral aspect of the development of the faculty that culminated in that later novel. As I recall, there was more involvement of the wizards in the book than in this film adaptation, which could have been more entertaining it itself, but may also have been sidetracking a little too much, not to mention adding to an already appreciable runtime. ‘Hex’ is nicely depicted though, and there are a few easter eggs here and there for those who are paying attention. It was years before I discovered that Mr Sideney (Nigel Planer) was one of the main actors from The Young Ones. Pratchett himself makes a cameo appearance at the end, as well as being an integral part of the screenplay and production. Meanwhile, listen carefully to Teatime’s holiday wishes right at the end of Part One, and pay attention to the curtains near the very end of the film.

The special effects are not up to par with many other films of the era (this was produced in 2006, after all,) but are not bad in any way, especially for a made-for-TV film; I found the weakest aspect to be the sound effects, yet not in any way distracting. I would have liked a little more variety in the music as well, since the main ‘theme’ of the film repeats quite often, through the DVD menus as well, and it can stay in your head for days. On the other hand, the children that appear are more accurate than nearly every holiday movie out there, and two of the little girls in the department store are adorable, though your grandmother may not agree. In fact, the department store is likely my favorite scene throughout the film (well, scenes, since it is broken up among concurrent plot developments.)

Pratchett’s wry observations of culture and human nature come through from time to time, as evidenced by Death’s manservant Albert reminiscing about his underprivileged childhood, longing for an elaborate rocking horse in a store window:

Albert: Yes, I would have killed for that horse. But you know what? I still hung up my stocking on Hogswatch Eve. And you know why? ‘Cause I… had… hope. Yep. And the next morning, our dad had put in my stocking a little wooden horse that he carved his very own self.


Albert: No, ’cause you’re a selfish little bugger when you’re only seven. It’s only grownups that think like that.

Yet the real strength of Hogfather, and the reason why I’m glad this one of Pratchett’s novels was chosen for this treatment (a few others came along later, probably based on the response to this,) is that underneath it all, it examines how humans take our world around us and turn it into something else. I’ve posted about this before, but we have the tendency to almost dismiss what is in favor of what seems better to us, to the point that the facts of the matter can often be considered rude or ‘unfeeling.’ There are so many aspects of how we live in a fantasy and assiduously avoid reality that it’s almost disturbing, and while the story doesn’t decry this per se, it nonetheless hints at how often it occurs, and that it’s a facet of human nature. For better or for worse? Well, that depends on the ultimate effect, doesn’t it?

Hogfather has been a holiday staple in our household for years now, much better than much of the schmaltz that many people want to consider their holiday tradition, and perhaps you won’t adopt it in the same manner, but it’s at least worth a viewing to see an alternate depiction as well as a suspenseful crime story. And it’s a good introduction to the Discworld series of books, as well.

I’m not ready for this

We’re once more into the nonsense blog trivia that would interest, oh, perhaps 1.29% of the population, but you did catch the ‘blog’ part, right? Good.

Today marks the 57th anniversary of the first flight of the Northrop HL-10 lifting body, and I’d intended to have a project done by now, but failed in that regard. So consider this a prelude for when it is done.

The HL-10 was one of three lifting body aircraft developed by NASA as a precursor to the space shuttle program, and my favorite based solely on its appearance. A lifting body is an aircraft without wings, deriving lift instead from the shape of the fuselage, surprise surprise. The thought was to have a craft at the head of a rocket, but wings at the front of a rocket introduce difficult stability issues, so, no wings. The program was successful to a degree, but other issues meant that the thoughts turned to more conventional designs and moving the craft alongside the rockets rather than atop them.

I’ve had the goal – obsession, really – of obtaining or producing a model of the HL-10, but the only production model was long out of production and expensive when found, not to mention a smaller scale than I wanted. I was slowly learning how to model it in software, which was going to be an absolute bitch due to the very fuselage shape that it relied on to function, when I came across this model from robert-ho and snatched it up. It was slightly off in scale and lacked some crucial details on those fins, which I clumsily remedied, and I produced a basic 3D print of the model:

3D printed model of the HL-10 lifting body, design by robert-ho
Which is great and all, but only the outer shell without much in the way of further details. Still, it got me past the difficult part, which was accurately modeling that esoteric body shape. Then I thought, I wonder if I could add in the details and make a decent static display model? A few weeks worth of work in Blender (a 3D modeling and animation program) followed.

modified design of robert-ho's HL-10 computer model
I readily admit to cheating a lot in here: the pilot figure, seat, controls, and landing gear were cribbed from other 3D models and modified to work. The pilot’s arms were especially tricky, since you don’t simply ‘reposition’ parts of a model without lots of issues.

More difficult, however, was designing the interior, since few photos exist and the details in the nose ahead of the pilot are especially vague. But this does mean that the only people who can point out how wrong my stuff is are those that have seen the real thing in person. [The actual aircraft, of which there was only one, sits on a pole at Edwards Air Force Base in California, but raised and positioned in such a way that these details are not visible.]

interior detail of redesigned version of robert-ho's HL-10 model
All of the details in those panels, however, are all mine, as well as the greeblies ahead of them (that you can’t see much of here.) The intention was to produce a reasonably-accurate display model, able to be assembled in flight display or open-cockpit on the apron, as it were, and I finished this well before the move. I knew that 3D-printing this without major headaches would require an SLA/resin printer, which I did not have, and therefore shelved the idea for later.

About two weeks ago, with the printer now in my possession, I started the test prints to determine where the problems might lie, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the raw cockpit area with all of the attached greeblies ahead went through the slicing program without any issues whatsoever – it would just be a print of several hours.

[A side note: taking a 3D computer model and prepping it for a printer is called ‘slicing,’ and it’s naturally different for FDM/filament printers and SLA/resin printers, both with their own quirks in what’s going to present problems.]

I did do test prints of pilot, seat, canopy, and control panels, discovering as I did so that the pilot and seat and even the thin canopy worked just fine, but the panels were too thin to print well – not a hard thing to fix. But then I got into other projects and never got back to tweaking the design to reflect this, nor in testing out the other details like the landing gear and doors. So here we are. There’s also the issue of the cockpit glass, where two of the pieces could easily be flexible clear plastic from just about any packaging, but the frontmost dome is going to take some problem-solving – it will not print with clarity through any 3D printer, and might have to be vacuum-formed. With this in mind, I did create a printable mold for it, but do not possess or have access to a vacuum-forming jig. Even if I’d been on the ball in printing what I have, this dome would still have required more time.

But, it’ll be done one day, and I’ll show it to you. I will also likely be contacting the original designer to see if he’s interested in the modifications, since I cannot upload anything that I’ve done without his permissions, it being a derivative work. While many designs in the 3D community are open to ‘remixes,’ provided the original designer is credited, others are available only for purchase, like the original that this is based upon, and I’m totally cool with people getting paid for their work. This means I can show you what I was working on here, but not the files to actually print it. At least not yet.

Don’t hold your breath

It’s a bit cold today, but that’s to be expected for the holiday, right? No, not the winter solstice, though it is indeed that, or at least it was at 09:20 UTC, so the daylight hours will be lengthening from here on out (until late June, anyway.) But the real holiday is Get Around To Planting Those Damn Things Again And See If it Works This Time, and so, I’m trying once again to get cardinal flowers (Lobelia cardinalis) established in the yard. I’ve tried twice before, both at the old place, and saw absolutely nothing the first time, and might have seen sprouts begin the second, with nothing further developing all year. Which is slightly puzzling, in that they’re a native species and shouldn’t be that hard to get going. But as I said, don’t hold your breath, especially since it’ll be a few months at least to know for sure. Your face will have turned ultra-blue…

Now, some of you might be saying, “Yeah, uh, Al? It’s winter, dumbass,” (or at least it was at 09:20 UTC,) while others familiar with the species know that it has to cold stratify, and either should be started in the fall or semi-germinate the seeds in a refrigerator. Those people might be saying, “Yeah, uh, Al? They should have been started in November at the latest.” But obviously, I couldn’t if I intended to celebrate the holiday now, could I? Okay then.

Regardless, we’ll see what happens in the spring. Cardinal flowers are popular with hummingbirds and butterflies and would serve as a nice natural setting for such pics, much better than the hummingbird feeders – I’ve been trying to get some kind of natural attractions going for years. The other plants transplanted so far seem to be doing well enough, considering the season, so we have no reason to believe that the soil isn’t amenable. We also don’t know what else we might be seeing come spring, stuff that was already established, though some hints are there at least; I’ve found hibiscus seed pods out on the far edge of the pond, and the previous owners said the wisteria actually needs to be cut back routinely.

There are also several camellia (Family Theaceae) bushes around the house, and this is their season; two of them are in bloom right now, while several others are heavy with buds and should bloom shortly.

variegated camellia Theaceae blossom at Walkabout Estates Plus
Three butterfly bushes also came with us and are already planted, and I intend to get some morning glories going in a few different areas, because I like them, but they’re a spring thing. There might even be a vegetable garden – I’d given up at the old place because none of the tomato plants that we got started (even the ones that started spontaneously in every planter that used compost from our bin) ever got to producing anything more than proof that they were indeed tomatoes.

That said, we got a great harvest from the two key lime trees, and the two lemon trees are overloaded with ripening lemons that should be ready within a few weeks – these are all residing in the greenhouse of course. At the same time, I am routinely out there with my paintbrushes ensuring that we’ll have another crop next year, since they’re all blooming and we don’t have a beehive in the greenhouse – yeah, go figure. At least the fruits don’t look like me…

Weathery day

This is unfortunately going to post the day following when the photos were taken, unless I type really fast. But the lightning app on my smutphone alerted me to the possibility of a light show, and I trekked the many kilometers (less than 2) down to the waterfront to see what was happening.

First off, I’ll note that the app is notoriously inaccurate for this area; strikes were occurring nowhere near where they’d been plotted, and while one apparently hit a few hundred meters away across the main road, the only sign of it was thunder that clearly came from many kilometers off. That said, the wide vista of the waterfront allowed me to discover where the cell really was, and it was in view. Thus, the first lightning pics from the new location.

time exposure of lightning beyond The Castle out over Pamlico Sound
That’s the same island (and boats) seen in the previous post, ever so indistinctly, and this took a full minute to expose, but at least a bolt did occur in there, and told me to re-aim a little.

time exposure of lightning out over Pamlico Sound
So, a small note here: the glare from the left side of the frame comes not only from the lights that line the waterfront walk, but one of the sailboats that was strung with holiday lights. I’d framed it in but for the longer exposures, it simply blew out way overexposed, so I left it just outside the frame. However, the storm was moving in that direction and I had to change my tactics, but not before another capture.

time exposure of very bright lightning strike out over Pamlico Sound
Despite the appearance of most of the bolts, this one blew out entirely overexposed, which happens – you lecture and cajole and even try reverse-psychology, but lightning gonna do what it wants. However, we’ll take a closer look at that particular strike.

inset of previous time exposure image of lightning out over Pamlico Sound
I played with the Curves, and there’s no detail to be brought up from the bolt itself, nor did it leave a distinct reflection in the water, but it provided enough light to illuminate details on the island as well as a hint of fog out over the water again, and yes, I may be chasing that more tonight/this morning.

shorter time exposure of lightning out over Pamlico Sound and foreground sailboats
The cell was moving in that direction and I wanted the lights of the sailboat anyway, so I switched to ten-second exposures, no longer having to get the sailboats or the island exposed. This meant that I wasted a lot more frames, because the bolts were only occurring every 90-120 seconds or so, but trying to skip too many frames that might fall in-between can easily mean that an odd strike gets missed, and take it from me: they’re always spectacular. Though I admit that what I saw in the milliseconds in person and what was captured in camera had different levels of drama to them. While this one seems almost intertwined with the sailboat itself, the actual bolt is many kilometers off, producing only the barest rumble of thunder.

shorter time exposure of lightning out over Pamlico Sound with foreground holiday-lighted sailboat
But since the entire shooting session lasted only 21 minutes and I captured several distinct bolts, I’m cool with it. It was also amazingly warm and I didn’t even have a jacket on, though I came prepared and it was in the car (to say nothing of the rain ponchos in the camera bag.) I can live with that.

A wee bit of fog

It was definitely a tad foggy this morning around Walkabout Estates Plus, and we elected to go down to the waterfront to see how thick it was down there.

It was.

heavy fog on Pamlico Sound
I was thinking that it might be moody and shadowy, but this surpassed my expectations – the water practically disappeared immediately, because the air was still so the water surface was smooth and reflecting only the fog. Near the boats you could tell, or when a seagull cruised low over the water, but without those cues it was simply void.

heavy fog on Pamlico Sound
I’d been out very early in the morning before the sky had started to lighten, and the mist passing through the flashlight looked like a blizzard in miniature, but this persisted well on into the morning – it was a little after eight AM at this point, and showing no signs of lifting.

moored boat barely visible through heavy fog on Pamlico Sound
The waterfront is a popular place to moor offshore, and there are always a few sailboats dotting the water – like the one seen here. Yeah, there’s a boat out there.

I did a few frames shooting along the waterfront too.

glow of sun through fog on waterfront area, Pamlico Sound
I was being tricksy, and framed the glow from the sun behind the lamp, but it gives you an impression too – it was not that early in the morning for the sun to be that high.

I kind of regret no going out much earlier though, well before first light, because the moon was full enough to illuminate this seriously, and I might have found some nice areas for time exposures. Not sure we won’t have the conditions for this again tonight and tomorrow morning.

small island just visible through heavy fog on Pamlico Sound, a measured 150 meters off.
Now, this one I can actually measure with Google Earth, because that’s a distinctive island out there (known as “The Castle” for reasons I am not presently privy to,) and it’s 150 meters away. And another boat of course. This was as thin as the fog got while we were out there. From nearly the same location, I also turned into the sun:

sun glowing through heavy fog on Pamlico Sound
The sun went back and forth between being a barely-distinct circle and merely a glow in ‘about that direction’ – it got bleached out in the exposure here, but is visible in its reflection on the water.

Just thinking – I could have gone into the gallery district before the sun came up too, and shot the holiday lights through this. I hate when I come up with ideas too late, but at least it’s in my mind for the next such conditions.

Canada geese Branta canadensis cruising low over water of Pamlico Sound in heavy fog
Those are Canada geese (Branta canadensis) cruising over the water, and you can see their reflections beneath – they’re only a couple of meters up. Not the conditions I’d fly in, but I expect they’re weren’t paying attention to the NOTAMs.

But a nice little excursion for the morning. The Girlfriend, now retired but still kind of in ‘work mindset,’ likes it when I suggest things like this, because that’s what retirement’s for, right?

Just once, part 51

unidentified white flowers at NC Botanical Gardens
We’re coming down to the wire now, especially since I already know what I’m going to use for the last entry. This one is kind of a last-minute changeup, since I’d originally slotted a bird in here but found that none of the single-appearance birds that I had in the list were wowing me, so we’re going with a plant instead.

And there’s a chance this has even appeared on the blog more than once, because this was shot in the NC Botanical Garden, of which I was a semi-regular visitor – that’s definitely changing now that I live two hours away from it. I’m going to have to look around and see if there are any botanical gardens within a reasonable distance of Walkabout Estates Plus now. If it did appear here before though, it remained unidentified then, and almost did in the post that originally featured this image. I did finally sit down and do a search on the species, but was never fully confident in what I eventually settled on, which was/is a maple leaf viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium, and I provide that link so you can judge for yourself.) None of the images that I shot that day showed the leaf shape distinctly enough to help, but you can look closely if you like and try to determine if I’m correct.

Still, I like this one better for the more fartistic quality of it – I mean, beyond my usual blog-fodder. It’s not going in any contests, mind you, but it does have a certain element within, you know what I mean?

Sure handy at times

I’ve commented before about getting into 3D printing, and the only major change made since the last mention was adding a resin printer to the mix, not too long after we moved to Walkabout estates Plus – this was largely because before, The Girlfriend and I shared an office, and my desk wasn’t near a window and printing resin has a distinct odor, which I had no decent way to ventilate. Now with my own office where I can dedicate more space and put the desks where I want, I finally made my move on a resin printer.

[Exposition, skip ahead if you already know or don’t care: Resin printing is significantly different from FDM/filament printing. A vat with a clear bottom holds the ultra-violet sensitive liquid resin, and underneath sits a UV LED the same size as the vat. A build plate lowers into the vat until it sits a fraction of a millimeter above the bottom, enough for a thin layer of resin, and the LED illuminates long enough to harden the resin into a solid layer, usually about .05 millimeters thick, which is pretty fine. The build plate lifts enough to allow more liquid resin to flow underneath, descends again to compress this layer to the desired thickness, and the LED illuminates again – in this manner, it builds a model an entire layer at a time. Or really, as many models as you can cram onto the build plate, because the print job is timed by layers/height, not volume like FDM printers, so you might as well use the time wisely.]

Now there are two main uses for 3D printers. The first is knickknacks, miniatures for gaming, and so on. But the second is functional parts and even tools; I pretty much split my efforts between these, and it’s the latter we’ll talk about today.

Two days ago, in opening the blinds in the bedroom, there was a crack and suddenly not only would the blinds not open/rotate, one side was drooping noticeably. Pulling down the entire unit, I discovered that two of the three tilter drums inside had literally shattered, and I wasn’t going to simply restring the blinds.

shattered drums from CF-5 Lowes faux wood blinds
Examination of the parts that remained told me that I wasn’t going to glue those back together either, and in fact, the plastic used had aged badly, likely from exposure to sunlight for too long, and was more the consistency of dried frosting. Seriously.

illustration of terrible material used for CF-5 Lowes faux wood blind drums
That’s utter shit, and clearly the wrong kind of plastic to use in such situations – and I have no doubt the manufacturer knows this. Nor are replacement parts available, because I checked extensively.

But, 3D printing to the rescue! A search on Thingiverse.com turned up (once I determined the name/term that I should be searching under) this home-designed part by Motard0067, which is exactly what I was looking for. I elected to use resin for the finished product, because it prints very cleanly and is a lot more durable than filament, just this side of ceramic. ABS in a filament machine would probably work too, and has more flexibility.

Resin-printer replacement drum for CF-5 Lowes faux wood blinds, design by Motard 0067, found on Thingiverse.com
All three rotation drums were bad, so I did three resin drums, which are an absolute perfect fit, even threading on the rods snugly but not too tightly. A few minutes of playing around and the blinds were fixed, actually better than new.

new 3D printed drum installed in CF-5 Lowes faux wood blinds, perfect fit
The semi-clear bit on top is the locking tab from the original blinds, still intact and fitting properly in my printed parts – though I’m sure I could have found or designed replacements for those too.

I can’t count the number of times that I’ve fixed or improved items around the house, some of which could already be found on the popular 3D model sites, some of which I designed myself (and I’m certainly a novice at 3D design.) When the opportunity to print anything is there, you realize how often it can be a huge help.

I won’t recommend it to everyone – 3D printers can take a lot of tweaking to get the best prints, with a shit-ton of variables to account for, and if you’re not into troubleshooting or mucking about, you’ll hate it. Which is funny, because the basics are generally pretty easy, and most printers can be ready to operate within 20-60 minutes out of the box. But you can waste a couple of hours determining what temperature works best for what filament, and the setup, cleanup, and post-processing of resin prints is time-consuming and can be messy if you’re not meticulous.

But when you fix something that would otherwise have to be replaced (and I make it a point to try this for damn near everything,) well, what can I say? It pays for itself.

By the way, the long lens grip that I created many moons ago? It’s still in regular use, without even having to reprint it (despite the fact that it was created on my first, very basic printer,) and I consider it a huge advantage in wielding that lens.

author's design of telephoto lens grip

Nuh uh

waxing gibbous moon overexposed with lunar halo, Jupiter, and Capella
My attempts to finagle a clear sky and/or some nice Geminids meteors failed, but the haze did produce a nice, wide lunar halo, which nonetheless took a much longer exposure to bring out than the moon required, so the moon got blown out in the middle. This is at 18mm and just barely got the halo in the frame – I could have gone wider with another lens, but didn’t deem it worth the effort.

What else do we have here? The small bright spot to the lower left of the moon is Jupiter, while the star to the direct left, in the halo, is Capella. The streak to the right is likely an indication that I either need to clean my lens or there’s a small hair within capturing the internal reflections – it’s in all of the frames. What can just barely be made out is the faint refraction from the high-altitude ice crystals, meaning the halo is really a rainbow of sorts, known technically as a 22° halo. Naturally, I had to boost saturation by 200% to bring out the colors better.

oversaturated version of lunar halo
The color cast within the halo becomes very obvious now, while the blue end of the spectrum makes the barest appearance. But overall, not the night to chase meteors, though granted, in a few minutes it’ll be the 14th, so perhaps my luck will change then.

Earlier today, before the haze really started to develop, I caught a hint of another refractive phenomenon:

refraction spot within cirrus clouds or contrails
While it has the appearance of a sundog, it’s way too far from the sun for that, and was likely a tiny portion of a circumzenithal arc. As the clouds (or dispersing plane contrails, as I suspect they actually were) moved on in the high altitude winds, the arc vanished, so this was all I got. Excitement City, I know. But I got the hint that I might be getting some cooler pics soon, if I make the effort. We’ll see…

It just might work

Hmmm, Friday the 13th. The Geminids meteor shower peaks tonight. Now, my luck with meteor showers is uniformly bad, so much so that it’s a standing joke among, well, me, so I now consider this a regular state of affairs.

So, will the bad luck actually result in changing this? If I count on not seeing a damn thing, will the mystical daemons that assault people with trivial annoyances and the occasional assassination be fooled by this, and triumphantly, maliciously ruin my view of the stars with a bunch of streaks and perhaps even a spectacular bolide? I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?

The skies have been back and forth all week – they were quite clear last night, but it was cold enough and I had other projects that I wanted to complete (and did) rather than sit out on the deck and stare at the sky while freezing and watching the camera batteries die quickly (this is a trait of lithium-ion batteries; getting cold makes their power drops off a cliff suddenly, though it comes back up when they get warm again.) This afternoon, however, it’s hazing up rapidly and it’s hard to tell what the night sky will look like.

To a degree anyway, because the moon is going to be near-full and thus glaring out any meteors that are nearby – not the best of conditions even in the best of conditions. By all math, only about a week out of every month should be notably affected by the phase of the moon, given how long the phases last as well as the changing rise and set times, though far more than one out of four showers in the past couple of years has been affected by the moon, which likely indicates that they’re not randomly distributed throughout the year.

Anyway, I’m really hoping that the haze will continue throughout the night, illuminated by the moon and thus eradicating the chance of seeing 99% of the meteors that contact the atmosphere, of which I’m betting heavily there will be a ridiculously small number anyway. That would make me so happy.

Might have to get used to this

I was down in Walkabout Studios a short while ago…

[A brief explanation, because now’s the time to do it: the new house came with a finished basement room, partially below grade, that even has an outside door, and I immediately snagged this as my office/studio/lab/workshop/makerspace, because it’s largely sound isolated and has windows for ventilation and because I’m a guy and we go underground. I’d started out calling this, “Deep 13,” but no one was getting the reference and The Girlfriend said she couldn’t remember this anyway, so it’s mostly just the “office” and occasionally “the dungeon.”]

… and heard a faint, repeated noise at the back door. I finally went over there to check, and one of the leaves that got tracked in didn’t quite look like a leaf.

spring peeper Pseudacris crucifer that snuck into Walkabout Studios
The ‘X’ across the back marks this as a spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer,) which should be expected, really, as they like warm, rainy nights in winter and spring, and it’s been raining like hell today. Not exactly sure how it got in, but I did leave the door cracked this afternoon when I stepped out for a little bit and it might have been then, in which case it’s been in here for hours. Or, since I’ve also found the occasional large wolf spider, there’s another ingress someplace. But it wasn’t going to be escorted back outside before it did brief penance as a model of course.

spring peeper Pseudacris crucifer with reflection within small aquarium
They have a wide variety of colors, and size-wise, they’re very similar to cricket frogs and chorus frogs, about 20mm in body length, but they’re also perhaps the most numerous, at least in conditions like this and especially this time of year (though I did find a juvenile American toad the other day too, about the same size, which is less than half of adult length for that species.)

And like most amphibians, they pause for short periods before choosing the next direction to leap in, which doesn’t ever seem to involve actually choosing a landing spot, so my photo session demanded recapturing my model twice before I finished up and re-introduced it to the great outdoors. I’ll see if I can snag some audio of their calls – I heard them last night, so maybe it’s still warm enough to get some samples tonight.

spring peeper Pseudacris crucifer preparing to leap from small aquarium
Even though we had our entry today, I have to note that this could also serve as a ‘Just Once’ candidate – kind of. I have one previous appearance of what could be a spring peeper, but back then it was going under the old scientific name of Hyla crucifer, so this is the only mention of a Pseudacris crucifer – or is that being too technical? Hey, it’s my blog, I’ll do what I want…

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