I’m not ready for this

We’re once more into the nonsense blog trivia that would interest, oh, perhaps 1.29% of the population, but you did catch the ‘blog’ part, right? Good.

Today marks the 57th anniversary of the first flight of the Northrop HL-10 lifting body, and I’d intended to have a project done by now, but failed in that regard. So consider this a prelude for when it is done.

The HL-10 was read more

Better to be prepared…

After realizing that I could use some enhancements to my shooting rig for a particular topic, I ended up designing and making them in record time. And to my own surprise, they work quite well, with fewer issues and modifications than I thought I’d need. I present to you the tactical special ops night stalker imaging rig, the Beav Team Six:

Actually, it’s missing the Vivitar read more

I don’t get it

I’ve mentioned before, perhaps too many times, about getting involved in 3D printing, but it’s served to keep me busy during the lean winter months, and I’m slowly picking up some design skills. I’ve joined a few online repositories for such things and have uploaded a handful of designs, such read more

Roped in

Back when I worked at an auto-parts store, I was familiar with the idea of the tinkerer, and even worked with someone who had a “Tuner Cult” decal on their car. In essence, it the person who is perpetually working on cars, improving, upgrading, tweaking this that and the other thing because if there’s any room for improvement, they can’t rest until this has been read more

Branching out

This has been a while in the making, but not half as long as I’d imagined it might be. Short story: I now have a new page up with some 3D printed accessories for nature photography.

These are my own designs, except where they’re remixes of someone else’s designs, and I expect that page to be updated semi-regularly – there’s a definite benefit to creating my own accessories, read more