Ta ta, January

And as January vents its last shuddering gasps, we dance happily on what will be its grave (just so it can see us do it) with the month-end abstract. . Plural, actually, and they all have a theme, though they didn’t have to, but such is the nature of nature abstracts. Sometimes.

During the first of the cold days, we’d get some patches of ice on the pond here and there, read more

December gotta vamoose

I’m a little later than intended, but it’s still the 31st so we’re still good. However, my choices for the end of the month (and by extension, the end of the year) abstracts are not up to the occasion, despite my recent attempts. They are:

I mean, how could it be the end of the month abstract without water drops of some kind, eh? Yeah, I know I do them too often, read more

November, your mother and I think you should move out

We’re just a tad late, but not too much, and so we’ll see November out on its own (but always welcome to visit, as long as it’s not overnight) with the month-end abstracts. And this month, we have two (urk!) smutphone examples, because that’s what I had in hand at the times.

Nice textures, but probably not too confusing or mysterious. We were transplanting read more

Scaring October off

I’m later than normal, but it’s still the end of the month, so we can still have the end-of-month abstract. And I even have a couple of specific attempts, all from yesterday when I had a few minutes. Let’s see here, we have:

I believe I mentioned, but Walkabout Estates Plus has a bunch of bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) trees, right in the back forty, read more

September toddles off

And so, we reach the end of September, or at least will in about 23 hours. This means we must, by tradition, leave it with an abstract image, though tradition has nothing to say about how abstract or what the exact definition of that word is, thank dog. Because that allows us to use things like this:

Obtained just two days ago, this was one of two contenders for this vaunted position read more

Du får lämna nu, August

Boy, I’m late! To all those readers who came here seeking the end-of-month abstract to view over their morning coffee or first dump, I apologize. It remains a crazy time here, and again, more will be revealed later on.

So we’ll have four, count ’em, four abstracts. It probably would be better if we went with just one good abstract, but I think we’ve determined read more

And take your heat with you

July has been way too fucking hot, and while I would like to believe that the change in arbitrary labeling that we engage in will somehow make a difference in the climate, I’m a bit skeptical, especially since August has never been known as a cooler month. Yet here we are at the month-end anyway, which does at least mean we have the abstract to consider, and I’m going to do something read more

Oh, gosh, another one

I was just glancing down at the clock and calendar of the computer after completing a stack of tasks tonight and said to myself, Thirty days has September, April, shit. Because of course it’s time for the end of the month abstract and I didn’t have anything prepared.

Not only that, but I shot extremely little this month, for reasons that will eventually become clearer, though it won’t read more

I’m tired of ‘May’ puns…

… but it’s the end of the month anyway, so let’s see what that entails from the nonsense tradition of month-end abstract images that got started by accident, shall we?

Why, it’s the sunset on part of the Gatsby mansion that I’d stayed in on previous visits to central New York – not this time around (I was on my brother’s couch instead, read more

April’s been bugging me…

… and it needs to go now. But we have a consolation prize, in the form of a ladies’ Speidel watchband and a lovely month-end abstract to go along with it:

I’d like to say this was intentional and it wouldn’t have been hard to accomplish, but this is simply evidence that I accidentally hit the shutter release as I was finished taking a few frames of pre-sunrise read more

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