Tripod holes 20

N 35°27’39.05″ W 76°53’44.87″ Google Earth Location

Today we go all the way back to the day before yesterday, on the shores of Pamlico River within Goose Creek State Park – I can’t tell you what the tree is because I still haven’t looked that closely, but it’s decorated with Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) anyway. My brother and I were read more

Living in the past X

I’m kind of doing these in order, and we’re in 2013 for this one, a year dominated by arthropod photos. I’m trying not to get into a rut (well, any more than the huge one that I usually occupy,) and the next entry in this category is quite likely to be another bug, so enjoy this while it lasts.

This was found, appropriately enough, in Colonial Park Cemetery in downtown Savannah, read more

On this date 37

I have to note that, as I’m sorting through the images to decide what I’m going to feature, I see enough interesting photos not on this date that I think I’m going to have to revisit this practice again – perhaps not next year, but certainly at some later point. Maybe I simply won’t make it a weekly practice.

To start off today, we have an entry from read more

Something for today

I’ve got some current content that will be coming soon, but I’m a little tired right now and have to crash for a short while, and by the time I’m awake again it’ll be tomorrow, so I’m sneaking this in now, a trivial thing but it’s been on my mind for a couple of days.

At right is the context image, a bald cypress tree (Taxodium distichum) in the ‘middle’ read more

Poking around

So, after the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, we poked around Jekyll Island a little bit. This was a day trip and we weren’t staying long, so there wasn’t enough time to do a proper exploration of the place, and while I normally would dig in and wander off into the hinterland, I was with friends who weren’t all into exploring. So our target was the north end of the island, where the read more