Just because, part 40

I know I just did a buffer post, but then I realized that I was about to hit another meaningless milestone and decided to sneak this one in to facilitate it. We already know I’m shameless.

These are just a couple of photos that I had in the blog folder with no real topic to attach them to, so, yeah…

At the neighborhood pond, one of the female mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) read more

Pining away

I was asked if I was going to do a post regarding the pine pollen this year, and I considered this kind of redundant and basically said, Only if I get something remarkable. And now, I’ll let you decide, because damn, it’s been a heavy year. North Carolina is virtually read more

Because I’m petty

I’m doing this because Mr Bugg was crowing that he’d be having fun while I have to go into work this afternoon, and I pointed out how far behind he was with his posting. Naturally, I have to put these up from this morning’s session before he gets to it.

The location is the head of the Neuse River, an old haunt that I still get back to infrequently. It was a little slow today, but read more