Can’t keep up

It started just two nights ago. After the rains, I could hear a few Copes grey treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis) calling nearby, including one that had to be in the backyard. I was checking on other things, so it took me just a couple of minutes to get to the approximate location, and by that time, she’d achieved her goal.

Seen here in the residual water atop one of the rainbarrels, read more

Creeping ever closer

I think it really would be spring already, if the big weather systems would stop hurtling across the country and scaring it away. I’m going to berate everyone in states west of here for letting these hooligans get past them.

Yesterday the weather cleared and warmed again, and I did a small patrol of Walkabout Estates to see what was going on. I already knew the blue hyacinth read more

As the season clings resolutely

While the temperatures have (like most of the east coast) dropped significantly for the past two weeks or more, I think this is a phase before real autumn and winter, and the past couple of days it’s actually gotten quite comfortable during the day. This prompted a little activity that surprised me, but I’m not knocking it.

The treefrogs remain largely sequestered, because they’re read more

This, or nothing

I haven’t entirely been avoiding photography lately, but since what I’ve been seeing is more of the same from the past several weeks, I haven’t been running to get my camera too often either. This is just to show that I’m still kicking, and still maintaining some content, even if it’s just variations of the same damn things. Plus this brings me up read more


Some experts tend to keep mum about their experience, their ‘secrets of the trade,’ and not reveal any information that may give an edge to their ‘competition,’ as if there’s something to be won with that. And some, of course, are fine with imparting information, but at a fee, and charge for everything I teach photography, so yes, I do follow this read more

Pining away

I was asked if I was going to do a post regarding the pine pollen this year, and I considered this kind of redundant and basically said, Only if I get something remarkable. And now, I’ll let you decide, because damn, it’s been a heavy year. North Carolina is virtually read more

Centimetering along

Boy, that’s an awkward phrase, isn’t it? A certain small percentage of the reason why metric measurements haven’t replaced “English Standard” in this country is the language, because we ‘Murrikins can’t take that much time with single words. When it finally is adopted, we’ll have “centimeters” shortened down to “semeers” within read more

Ribbon cutting

I’ve said before (many times) that I have my own indication of when spring is officially here, and last evening, though technically only a few hours ago, we reached that mark. On stepping onto the back deck late at night, I glanced down and saw my first treefrog, a Copes grey, sitting read more

Cleaning out the fridge

I mentioned earlier that I might do this, and you’d hoped that I wouldn’t, I know, but here it is anyway because I’m sadistic. In sorting video clips, I realized I had a handful (well, 25) that I’d been pleased to get – they just weren’t enough to justify editing and uploading, and while I’d waited to see if I’d get some more to make a complete read more

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