Not unexpected

Yesterday, the Immortal-So-Far Mr Bugg and I went back down to the lake to see what was going on, which was, “Not a lot.” We got a handful of photos, and spotted four different bald eagles though in pre-sunrise conditions, so far too dark to be worthwhile in the slightest. However, there was one particular discovery that bears highlighting here. Maybe. I don’t know – are read more

July to me?

Another long, eventful month to wave toodle-oo to, and so we have the month end abstracts. And all three were shot within the month, so, good on me? I guess that depends on how good the photos actually are.

From an outing early win the month with the Unforeseeable Mr Bugg (who it appears is not read more

Not even trying

Had an outing with Buggato, and as we parted, he vowed that he was going to post something before I did. And yet, it’s after 10:30 PM, I’ve already had dinner, and still no post from him. Ah well. Here’s a great blue heron (Ardea herodias) hanging out on a dead tree near sunset he didn’t stick around for the real sunset colors, but they weren’t that strong anyway.

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