Distributed far and wide

I had planned to have a couple of posts pop up in this past week and was working towards some nice little presentations, but many things happened to prevent this and I simply did not have my shit together even slightly, thus the post title.

Foremost in there was something in recognition of World Migratory Bird Day, specifically some video, but I was having a devil of a time getting a decent audio read more

Not unexpected

Yesterday, the Immortal-So-Far Mr Bugg and I went back down to the lake to see what was going on, which was, “Not a lot.” We got a handful of photos, and spotted four different bald eagles though in pre-sunrise conditions, so far too dark to be worthwhile in the slightest. However, there was one particular discovery that bears highlighting here. Maybe. I don’t know – are read more

On our way

While we had several warm spells far earlier than normal, interspersed with some overnight lows dropping below freezing, I think spring is getting a toehold now, and the critters and plants are on schedule. The Insoluble Mr Bugg and I went down to Jordan Lake Friday for a late afternoon and sunset shoot, and there were a few subjects to be found, though it’s not quite the active season yet. read more

Got a little bit

As I mentioned that morning, on Wednesday Mr Bugg and I had an outing to Jordan Lake, seeing what kind of activity was about as spring peeked in. Granted, it seems way too early for spring, and it is, but it didn’t feel that way, and the first signs were there. This post will all be about birds – with one exception, just for balance.

Things started slow. The rampant activity that I’d read more

Keeping tabs

The Profiles post yesterday was, as noted, taken that day, on another outing to Jordan Lake to see what was happening. The goal has been to spot any activity of eagles, osprey, or herons, possibly to do some video tests with equipment modifications, but so far I’ve seen no sign of any of them, save for some heron footprints in the sand on the shoreline. However, the smaller bird activity read more

Confused AF

I did an outing yesterday! Granted, it wasn’t a terribly productive outing, and too few of the images will be keepers – including some of the ones you’ll see here. But at least there’s a smidgen of content.

I went down to Jordan Lake to see what was stirring, which wasn’t a lot – just a lone black vulture in the distance, but in the woods near the parking area, read more

As good a time as any

So, on this date fourteen years ago came the very first post on the blog. And I realized, at the beginning of this month, that another milestone was coming up, so I made sure to have them converge: this is the 2,500th post itself. I have to admit that no read more


I stopped down at the lake briefly today, curious to see how the water level had changed following the hurricane (significantly, but not quite back to normal,) and see what might appear. Even since filming the young red-headed woodpeckers (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) leaving the read more

The saga repeats. Kinda

After determining that the woodpecker nest was reoccupied, I never got back down there to check on progress. Part of this was due to already doing extensive (and successful) video of the fledglings read more

Not a promise, mind you

Stopped down at Jordan Lake yesterday to do a few tests, and just see what was happening.

Results: Tests weren’t promising, and not much. Distant osprey, and an eagle before I had my camera out.

But as I stood in a familiar location, I heard some cheeping and caught a flash of movement, then had to stake out the area for a little bit.

Discovery: The nest is reoccupied.

Does this read more

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