Tripod holes 49

N 35°56’12.12″ W 78°35’55.49″ Google Earth location

I can pin down this location much better than when it was taken, partially because there’s no date stamp on the slide frame and it sits in the ‘Abstract’ section devoid of further context that might lend a clue – I’m going to say 1999, and let you attempt to prove otherwise. I was on – read more

Not much charm

While I did not announce it like I often do here, we’ve just passed the peak of the Perseids meteor shower, tied in with some halfway decent viewing conditions and, unlike many other showers in the past, acceptable temperatures to be standing out in a dark location for hours at a time. I actually went out to try and capture read more

Sunday slide 45: you big silly

So, I made a list of posts that began with the word, “So,” and it’s way too long. So I’m trying to stop doing that.

Just to let you know, this is the first time I attempted using the slide scanner after the failure, oh, this many weeks ago – I’ve just been using archive scans read more

Might catch some shit for this

One of my photo students, the (likely) Inconsolable Al Bugg, has been jonesing for a couple of opportunities for a while now. And unfortunately, while he is away counseling at a summer camp, I pursued both of them in just the past couple of days.

Tuesday morning I was up ridiculously early and the conditions seemed right, so in the pre-dawn twilight I headed down to the head of the Neuse River, my read more

Back to the beginning

Since I had some business in Raleigh yesterday, I decided afterwards to go back to one of my old haunts, the head of the Neuse River where it spills from Falls Lake. I haven’t been back there in a while, but years ago when I started getting serious about photography, it was one of my routine shooting locations, probably helped by it being 11 kilometers (7 miles) away from where I lived at read more