And a crayfish, briefly

National Wildlife Day, which was yesterday, was actually a pretty nice day for February, nicer than February actually deserves because it’s in winter and also spelled stupidly. And since I had a photo outing scheduled, I succeeded in getting plenty of photos of wildlife, if by ‘wildlife’ you mean ‘birds,’ with one exception. A moderate variety of birds too, at least read more


This is actually the sixth time I’ve posted this particular writeup – it’s now become a yearly thing right around the time that wildlife starts becoming most active, and fits in nicely with National Wildlife Day, which is today. Plus look at all this content that I only have to cut-n-paste! So without further fanfare, we delve back into injured and orphaned wildlife.

I used to work read more

These might work

Just so you know, Thursday (February 22nd) is National Wildlife Day, so call in sick that day and go find wildlife, even if it’s captive wildlife in a zoo or nature park or something, but preferably really and for true in the wild, which means outdoors. Now, c’mon – how many of your coworkers failed to show up the day after Super Bowl or some such rot? read more

Rehab rehash

The date that I originally posted this is now just one day shy of a decade ago, but it remains relevant and so it tends to return at this time of year, right before birthing season starts for many of the local species. So, here on National Wildlife Day, let’s consider what we should do with injured and orphaned wildlife.

I used to work in this field a fair amount, both in administration of read more